17 - The Life They Dreamed Of

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   "Come in! Please make yourselves at home!" The mayor guides us into his home.
   His house is big. We are greeted with a big living space and a high roof. Past the big living area is a shaded hallway with multiple doors leading to more rooms. Everything was mostly made out of wood. I feel comfortable and safe here.
   "Please! Sit!" The gray-haired man speeds past us and to the right to what looks like the dining room.
   He runs into another room, coming out with more chairs and setting them around the table. No words are exchanged as we are all amazed at the architecture of his home. The open windows let in enough sunlight to make the home look like a sanctuary. We all sit, still scanning our surroundings except for Fhan.
   "Cool place, huh! I came here before with my grandma." Fhan smiles.
   I sit next to Oslac with the mayor sitting across from us. Alex to my left and Fhan to my right.
   "Oh, God. You know our names, but we don't even know yours!" I snicker.
   "Oh yes! Please, just call me Hecken or Mr. Dorf!" He laughs cheerily.
   Oslac pulls down his hood, feeling more comfortable. Hecker sighs, his expression changed to a more saddened one.
   "You know that it's been two years, right?" He says, looking at me.
   "Oh yes. Fhan told me."
   It's another silence as we just stare at each other. He's looking for the right words.
   "W-well. These people... we don't know who they are. They came out of nowhere and started hurting us and stealing our belongings! They forced us to work on their damned castle and stole our food! If we didn't give them food, they hurt my people!" He rants before sighing and slowing back down.
   He looks down at the wooden table. He's thinking again. His eyes water, but before tears can form, he wipes the liquids away.
   "God...." He sniffles. "I saw so many people die. I wanted to do something so badly, but I'm old now. I couldn't do anything but watch as they killed my people. Those monsters even killed children!" He cries. "I felt so useless and hopeless for a whole year."
   I look to Alex, who has an empathetic expression on her face. Oslac, who has a curious look on his face. And Fhan, who seems to be lost in sad thoughts.
   "So...I beg you to save us. I will give you anything you want. Please save my people and their children. We want to live without fear..." He sniffles, wiping his tears away.
   "Of course we'll get them outta here!" Alex stands, slamming her hands on the table. "You're a good man who wants to protect your people! I respect that!"
   I smile at her determination. As he looks to me, I nod.
   "Of course we'll kick them outta here! B-but I only ask for one thing..."
   I pause.
   "What is it?" He asks, his face free of tears now.
   "Can me and Oslac live with you guys in the village?"
   Hecken suddenly lights up into laughter. Oslac elbow bumps me teasingly with a snort.
   "Of course you can! Hell, I'll even start building your house right now!" He laughs.
   I chuckle. "That won't be necessary, sir."
   We all calm down before Alex stands up again. "Phew. Steve should be awake by now. I should go get him. I'll be back!"
   "Oh, let me come too!" Fhan hops off of his seat and follows Alex.
   Oslac suddenly moves his chair closer to mine so that we are sitting closer now. He rests his arms on the table before resting his head on his arms, closing his eyes. I smile as I reach my hand up to pet him.
   "He's not the talkative type, is he?" Hecken asks.
   "He's just shy around new people. But don't worry, he warms up very quickly."
   I pet Oslacs ears, flipping them around.
   "For such a powerful beast, this one can be such a puppy." I tease Oslac, who seems to be melting to my touch.
   "Hehe..." Oslac chuckles.
   "How did you meet him?" Hecken curiously states.
   "Well. Found him in the Nether, injured. I helped him, and then we got attached to each other." I sigh. "He was imprisoned for two years..."
   "Oh yes, Fhan told me..."
   "Yea. They tortured him so horribly. Somehow, they didn't break him. He's been through a bit cause of me..." Oslac opens one of his eyes, curiously looking at me. "I feel like I kinda owe him something."
   "Wow..." Hecken says with an amazed tone. "That's a beautiful story. Friendships can truly be so magical, in a way." He chuckles quietly. "Just....something about a human forming a friendship with a being from another world is... inspiring."
   "Haha..." I nervously chuckle, realizing that the truth has to come out eventually. "W-well...the thing is, we are more than friends..." I lower my head, looking for Mr. Dorf's reaction.
   "O-oh my..." He gasps in realization. "T-thats interesting..." He scratches the back of his before sighing. "But love is love, right? If both of you are able to make choices of your own and are able to communicate with each other, I see nothing wrong with being in love with a pig man!" He laughs merrily.
   "Glad you think so. Unfortunately, people won't be as welcoming and friendly as you..."
   I say this, meaning something else, but Hecken seems to pull out another meaning from my statement.
   "I'm sorry for that day my people threw rocks at you, Oslac."
   Oslac opens his eyes, slightly surprised.
   "My village has been through so much. We've beaten all the challenges we've faced, but only cause we have been careful. My people acted on impulse, and you didn't receive a proper apology. So I am sorry."
   Oslac grins toothily. "Hehe. It's okay! You guys already apologized by bringing me and Y/n food, remember?"
   "Haha, yeah. Thank you for being so kind. Both of you." He looks to us.
   "Please, Mr. Dorf, don't worry anymore. I won't let anyone hurt your village or the people living here. You will get past this challenge, just like the past challenges that you have beaten." I smile.
   "Oh, your words truly inspire me. Thank you, Y/n and Oslac. I'm forever grateful." His eyes are full of appreciation and hope.
   I sigh, leaning in my chair. "But how are we gonna do it..." I say out loud. "My original plan was to get close to Xandros cause he thought I was his friend, but I can't do that now..."
   Oslac suddenly leans closer to me, licking my cheek. I chuckle, petting his head.
   "We'll figure it out together." He smirks with determination in his eyes.
   "Yes, we will." I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a quick hug before standing up.
   "Tonight it the fireworks festival. I would really like it if you two came!"
   I look to Oslac, who nods in reply, standing up with me.
   "We'll be there, sir." Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. "Do...do you think Xandros will be there?" I ask the mayor.
   "W-well last year, he did show up, but he really ruined the festival. We'll just have to wait and see."
   I nod. "Well then. We should be on our way now. Thank you so much for having us into your home." I rub Oslacs shoulder.
   "O-oh yes. Thank you sir..." He timidly says.
   "Haha! No problem! Thank you for everything you've done for this village! You two are a wonderful couple!" He laughs, full of relief and hope.
   "Goodbye!" We wave as we approach the door.
   "See you boys tonight!"
   We open the front door. Oslac lets me go out first before following me. I'm surprised when he doesn't put his hood back on.
   "Is that cloak tight on you?" I ask with a smile.
   "A little bit."
   I gently grab his hand into mine as we walk down the dirt road. Soon enough, Alex, Steve, and Fhan approach us at the other end of the dirt road. Fhan sprints towards us, his arms waving in the air. He quickly catches up to us, panting.
   "A-are we leaving now??"
   "Yea, we are. We just finished talking with Mr. Dorf."

《 Head over Tusks! 》- Male Piglin Brute X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now