Chapter 26

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Two days.

Two days of utter ignorance from Jungkook. It feels like it had become his routine to wake up earlier before you, so when you wake up there's no one but you in Jungkook's home. The same thing happens every evening, when he comes home late night and barely mutters a single greeting before he scurries to the bathroom. After that, he buries himself in a blanket still sleeping on the couch, as he left his bedroom all for you. At first, there were times when you felt sorry and wanted to make things right. But that's hard to do when the person you need to talk to ignores you and gives you a cold shoulder whenever you approach him. It was only today's morning, the same routine without Jungkook's presence, that you've grown tired of it.

Your apartment still isn't fixed and you've no idea how long it's going to take. The repairman texted you, saying he's working on it but you're nowhere near moving back in. Living with Jungkook isn't that much fun, especially after your conversation that caused this but no way you regret it. It was inevitable. You're aware arguments happen, but still, you do feel sad over the fact you've had an argument with Jungkook, out of all people and it's still lasting. Whenever you got into one, in no way it lasted this long. That's what bothers you the most. Luckily, your soar mood had been a little warning for Yoongi not to tease you and surprisingly, he never brought up Jungkook. This way, you had some time to think, even during busy working days without Yoongi's unnecessary and annoying remarks.

The rustling of keys, none other than Jungkook's, is being heard before you hear him clicking his security code, causing your throat to tighten. You've no idea why you're so nervous, maybe it's the fact he came earlier than usual and you hoped you'd make your escape plan without having to see him. Now, you'll have to face him because there's no way he hasn't noticed your duffel bag right next to his shoe rack.

Now or never.

Straightening yourself, you make your way out of his bedroom with your other duffel bag, clutching it in your grasp as you ignore his presence. From the corner of your eyes, you can make out his figure as he tosses his keys onto the small cabinet in the corridor. As you're in the same room, with you mentally cursing it for being so small, you can feel his eyes burning the side of your face. You're the one who's giving him a cold shoulder for a nice change, and it does feel nice. Knowing him, he probably complements whether he should voice his curiosity or just ignore you and let you go.

Busying yourself with trying to locate your shoes, you finally find them, unfortunately right next to his feet where he's standing. Purposely, letting out a sigh of annoyance, you're about to reach for your shoes so you can get the hell out of here. The air is starting to be too suffocating for you.

"Where the hell are you going?"


His curiosity won, and even though there's an attitude in his cold voice, you take this opportunity to finally look at him, just to give him nasty glare. He doesn't seem fazed by it, probably waiting for it because he knows you after all. He knows you're not a person who should be messed around with.

"Away." you reply dryly, snatching your shoes before you toss them back onto the floor.

"Is your apartment fixed?" he asks, voice imitating yours which pisses you even more. Fuck, he knows exactly where to push your buttons.

"No." Short and simple, but still you snap at him.

"Then where are you going?" There it is. The sudden change in his voice and although, his voice does seem cold and distanced, there's worry somewhere in it which makes you almost smirk.

However, your features remain neutral as you look at him. Shit. One look into his dark brown eyes and you almost feel sorry for treating him this way. Well, he's the first who started. It's childish, you know. But you also don't care.

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