Year 2: Quidditch Tryouts

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Hanni spent the whole summer doing absolutely nothing. But since today is the first day back at Hogwarts, it really doesn't matter.

She was supposed to be leaving soon, but Hanni forgot to pack last night. She hurried and went to the basement to find the suitcase. After finding it, she dashed back upstairs to get all her things gathered.

Hanni forgot to pack yesterday night, even after knowing about her return back to Hogwarts. In a rush, she hurried and stuffed everything into her suitcase.

Hanni heard her parents calling her name from downstairs, "Honey, we're leaving soon! Make sure you're ready and that you have everything."


She zipped up her suitcase and dragged the heavy case down with her. The bottom of the suitcase dragged along the floor as she walked outside. After placing the suitcase inside the car's trunk, she hopped inside, and rotated between playing with her phone and looking outside the window.

They eventually arrived at Platform 9¾. She looked at her parents, then back at the brick wall. Before they could kiss Hanni goodbye or say anything, she ran into the brick pillar along with her cart.

Both parents looked at each other, having warm smiles on their faces. Her father was worried at first about sending Hanni off for another year, contemplating whether or not she should go back to Hogwarts. His thoughts were relieved when remembering that Min attended the school as well.

When Hanni came back from her first year at Hogwarts, one of the first questions they asked was if she had seen Min. Hanni hesitated at first, but then decided to give in and tell them. She told them about how he was a fourth-year Ravenclaw with outstanding grades, and that they got along well. They smiled at first, but then it turned bitter once reality hit them. Min left them years ago.

Now at Hogwarts Express, Hanni felt relieved knowing she wasn't late. The train was still here, and the brick pillar entrance wasn't closed off. She grabbed the handle of the cart and started walking forward. She could see Min in the distance, "Min!" He turned his head towards Hanni and beamed a smile immediately.

"How was your summer?" Min asked while slinging his arm around Hanni's shoulder.

"It was really boring. Nothing to do, no one to talk to..." she yawned and looked up at him.

"No muggle friends?"

"Not really, lost contact."

"Hanni!" She heard someone call her name, and looked behind to see Danielle, Haerin and Eunchae.

Eunchae greeted us, "Hey Hanni! Hi Min."

"Did you come here with both Danielle and Haerin?" She asked as Eunchae nodded her head. "Since when were—"

Danielle interrupted Hanni, "Oh! Over the summer both Haerin and I began talking to Eunchae!"

"Also, did you get that mail I sent over the summer?" Danielle smiled as Hanni gave a confused look.

"You sent me mail?" Danielle's smile faded a bit. "You didn't get it?" Hanni shook her head. "Oh my gosh! Errol... that darn old owl," she mumbled. "Sorry! My family's owl is a bit old, he might've sent it to the wrong person."

Hanni smiled in reassurance, "it's okay."

They heard the conductor shouting, telling everyone to get on the train quickly. Min waved a quick goodbye and went inside the train and into his friend's compartment.

Boarding the train, Danielle and Haerin already claimed a compartment. Hanni entered to see two other people inside, one familiar and one new face.

"As you already know, this is Yunjin..." Hanni already knew the older girl as she was in the same house as her, coming across her a few times in the Gryffindor common room. "And this is Hyein!" Danielle said, introducing Hanni to the new girl, "She's a first-year student!"

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