Year 4: Soft and Sweet

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Minji had been practicing for weeks to improve her time in Quidditch. She was determined to win every game and prove her worth as a Seeker.

She checked the clock and her heart sank. It was the same time as her last run, and nowhere near fast enough to impress the Quidditch captain.

Haerin could see the disappointment on her friend's face and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it. You'll get it eventually."

Minji sighed and shook her head. "I've been practicing so hard, I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

Haerin smiled and patted her back. "Maybe you're just overthinking it. Sometimes you need to relax and let your instincts take over."

Minji slumped down onto the ground, feeling frustrated and disappointed with her performance during the practice. She had been hoping to improve her speed on the broomstick and beat her previous time, but it seemed like her efforts had been in vain.

"Ugh, I can't believe it," she groaned, running her fingers through her hair. "We're going up against Gryffindor soon, and their seeker is good. If I can't even improve my speed, how are we going to win?"

She sighed and leaned back against her broomstick, feeling the weight of the upcoming match on her shoulders.

Haerin pursed her lips together, "Don't worry too much about your speed," she said with a smile slipping onto her face. "You're a great player, Minji. You'll do amazing out there."

Minji sighed, looking down at her broomstick. "I just feel like I could be doing better," she muttered, her voice low.

Haerin tilted her head slightly, trying to read her friend's facial expression. "Is it just the speed you're worried about, or is there something else?" she asked gently.

Minji hesitated, but then shook her head. "Gryffindor's seeker is really good, and I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with them."

Haerin smiled reassuringly. "You're a talented player, Minji. You can hold your own against anyone. And besides, we're a team. We'll support each other and work together to win."

Minji nodded, a small smile beginning to form on her face. "You're right."

Haerin grinned, "Well if you're so determined to win, let's get back to practicing and work on those moves, okay?"

The Quidditch match was beginning soon.

Minji soared on her broomstick, looking for any sign of Hanni in the crowded stands. She scanned the rows of students, searching for a glimpse of her bright smile.

As the minutes ticked by, Minji grew more anxious. She couldn't help but worry that something had happened to Hanni, or worse, that she had decided not to come to the match at all.

She caught a glimpse of green and silver amidst a sea of red and gold. She squinted, trying to make out the figure, and then suddenly it hit her—it was Hanni, wearing the Slytherin colors instead of her usual Gryffindor ones. Her heart skipped a beat, watching as Hanni proudly donned the colors of her house's rival team to show support for Minji.

As their eyes met, a feeling of warmth spread through Minji's chest. Despite the stares and whispers from other Gryffindors, Hanni held her head high, her gaze locked with Minji's.

The game began and went on for a while, the crowd went wild as the Seekers launched up into the air, trying to get a hold of the Golden Snitch.

Minji was completely focused and determined to get the Snitch. Gryffindor's Seeker made a sharp turn, and Minji leaned closer to her broomstick to increase the speed. She held on tightly, keeping her eyes on the Snitch as she remained conscious about her surroundings as well. She was not going to make the same mistake as last year.

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