Year 5: Potions

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"Good morning, class!" Professor Hwang greeted the students with his cheerful voice. "As you know, this year marks an important milestone in your magical education. We will be preparing for the O.W.Ls, the Ordinary Wizarding Levels, which will be taken at the end of the year."

Minji glanced at Hanni, sharing a soft little smile with her.

Professor Hwang continued, his voice laced with enthusiasm. "The O.W.Ls are an assessment of your magical abilities across various subjects. They will determine your eligibility for advanced courses in the future. But don't fret! We have a full year to prepare, and I will be here to guide you every step of the way."

Hanni's brows furrowed slightly as she listened attentively, her mind already racing with thoughts about the upcoming exams.

As Professor Hwang delved into the details of Charms, Minji felt a surge of excitement. The idea of studying together with Hanni, their head buried in books, held a certain charm of its own.

Maybe she just enjoyed being in Hanni's presence.

Minji discreetly turned toward Hanni, her arm resting casually on the back of Hanni's chair. Leaning closer, she whispered softly into Hanni's ear, her warm breath tickling the shorter girl's skin. "Hanni," Minji murmured, her voice barely audible amidst the classroom discussions, "we should study together later in the library."

Hanni's attention immediately shifted from the professor to Minji, their proximity affecting her. Their eyes met, a moment of silent understanding passing between them.

In that moment, Hanni's gaze unconsciously drifted down to Minji's lips, captivated by their softness and allure. A blush crept up Hanni's cheeks as she quickly averted her eyes, flustered by her own thoughts.

"Y-Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," Hanni stammered, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness. She took a deep breath, trying to regain composure.

She faced back towards the front of the classroom as she heard Minji's soft chuckles. Before she could fully process what was happening, she felt Minji's hand gently sliding from the back of her chair to her waist.

Time seemed to slow down as Minji pulled her close, their bodies aligning in a warm embrace. Hanni's breath hitched as Minji's lips pressed against her cheek in a tender, affectionate kiss.

It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes. It whispered of the unspoken feelings that blossomed between them, the growing affection that Hanni couldn't bother denying anymore.

She liked Kim Minji.

The racing thoughts and flutters in her heart could no longer be brushed aside or attributed to mere friendship. With every beat of her heart, Hanni realized that her feelings for Minji ran deeper than she had ever acknowledged. It was just admiration or friendship that stirred within her—it was definitely something way more.

"Miss Park, Miss Kim, please pay attention in class. You can continue whatever you're doing after the lesson."

The sound of the professor's voice broke the bubble Minji and Hanni were in, bringing them back to reality. Both girls blushed, their cheeks tinted with a rosy hue as they quickly separated from their intimate embrace.

Minji's eyes were widened, stammering as she struggled to find the right words to respond. "Ah, yes... sorry about that."

The professor's unexpected interruption caused a brief moment of embarrassment. Hanni quickly straightened herself in her seat, stealing a shy glance at Minji, who also appeared slightly flustered.

Minji gently withdrew her hands from Hanni's waist, their fingers brushing briefly in a lingering touch before retreating.

Their cheeks flushed and hearts still pounding, Hanni and Minji turned their attention to the professor, trying to calm their racing hearts.

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