Year 3: Start of Something New

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The hallways were flooded with students as always, chattering and babbling amongst each other. Hanni noticed a common topic between a lot of students. Most of them were talking about Minji, her name traveling throughout the school hallways. She overheard some students talking about her injuries during the latest Quidditch game. It has been about a week since the incident happened, and Hanni has not seen Minji whatsoever.

The noise of chattering faded down a bit. Hanni looked over to where everyone had been staring. Minji and her friends were walking down the hallway, and a bunch of students were left in awe.

"How is she so pretty?! This is so unfair..."

"Damn, I wish I was that pretty."

"She's so beautiful, do you think she knows who I am?"

"Think I have a chance to be with Minji?"

Hanni looked at Minji, their eyes already meeting instantly. The older girl gave a small smile and waved towards her. Hanni was caught off guard when she waved at her with a small genuine smile, instead of her usual smirks and grins.

Was she waving to someone else?

Hanni hesitated for a moment, not sure how to respond to Minji's sudden display of friendliness. She raises an eyebrow and gives a small nod in acknowledgement of the wave, but doesn't say anything.

Minji walked up to Hanni, a small smile on her lips. The younger girl looks at her skeptically, wondering what could have caused the sudden change in Minji's behavior.

"What's wrong with you?"

Minji raised an eyebrow, "Am I not allowed to be civil?"

Hanni rolled her eyes at Minji's response and retorted, "Of course you can be civil, but it's not like you to be friendly to me." Minji smirked and responded, "Well, maybe I'm just in a good mood today."

Hanni scoffed and crossed her arms, "Yeah, sure. Or maybe you just want something from me."

Minji tilts her head, "Oh really? And what would that be?"

Hanni shrugged and replied, "I don't know, maybe you want to annoy me or use me for something."

Minji chuckled and stepped closer to Hanni, "Or maybe I just like being around you."

Hanni's cheeks turned pink and tried hiding it by looking away. "Don't be ridiculous," she muttered.

Minji smiles knowingly, "You secretly enjoy our little fights."

Hanni scoffed, "What's your angle?"

Minji twirled a strand of Hanni's hair around her finger, "I don't have an angle, Hanni. But if you must know, I think you're kinda cute when you're being defensive."

Hanni's cheeks flushed red. "Don't even go there, Minji."

Minji chuckled, "What? I can't compliment you now?" Hanni shook her head, "I don't need you compliments. Just leave me alone."

Minji listened and backed off, putting her hands in the air playfully. "Alright, alright... I'll leave you alone." Hanni watched as Minji backed up, "Good. I need a break from your constant annoyance."

Minji laughs, a genuine smile on her face.


It's the next day, and Hanni just entered the classroom to see everyone seated at their desks already. Professor Hwang turned around as his eyes wandered around the room. He suddenly stopped his gaze at Hanni and Minji.

"You two, you're being dismissed from today's lesson. You've been called by the Headmaster," he said.

Hanni and Minji looked at each other briefly, a few questions being asked non-verbally. Hanni went outside the classroom, silently waiting for Minji. Hanni shook her head furiously at this, thinking about why she would even wait for her. Before Hanni could leave, she heard Minji trailing behind her and leaving the classroom.

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