Chapter 5:CHOICE

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I sat down leg crossed and arm on both sides of the sofa. Staring at the
dragon-patterned wooden door. Waiting for someone that I play thug of war
with recently.
"He's here"
Big announced opening the door. A tall figure entered glancing around in a
tight robe uniform. The tattoo under the white shirt was so strikingly
beautiful that I have to take a second glance at it.
His eyes roamed around the surroundings.
Big forced his shoulder down to sit on the sofa in front of me.
Silence surround the room. No one dared to speak, neither did I. We stared at
each other and no one gave up.
"What do you want?"
Porsche asked, still in a smooth voice.
The confidence in his eyes turned into wryness which I have never seen
before. He stared at the bodyguard behind the black mask and he was clearly
"Come and work for me"
I kept eyeing him.
He says in a harsh voice.
"Huh... You're more stubborn than I thought"
I laughed looking at his attitude and analyzing his behavior.
Porsche is a stubborn and aggressive person. Trying to stay tough to hide his
inner feelings. I can see past his facade.
Although I am only in my twenties, I learned how to read people.
"Why? Why are you doing this?"
"Huh... What did I do?"
A smile lifted from the corner of my lips.
"You are bothering people around me, messing around. Hunting me
down to just work for you?"
"Ohh.. yes, that I did.."
"You intend to destroy my workplace so that I get fired."
"I just intended to teach you a lesson. You, who deceives me"
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Don't bother the people around me!"
"If I don't do that... Will you come to work for me?"
It has to be like this, a trap for him. Because if you use force with someone
like Porsche he'll never give up and fight, with all his heart.
Don't get me wrong, I tried persuading him in a proper manner. But he really
is a tough one to deal with. If I hadn't encountered an imminent issue, I
wouldn't go such lengths just to get him. But since he gave me a hard time,
I'm gonna teach him a lesson.
"Why me? Why do you want me so bad?"
Porsche asked angrily.
"Because people like me didn't want something and not have it."
At the end of my sentence, I grinned. He threw a glance at me. Selfish words,
I know, but they are true. Because at home, my father has the kind of power
that goes all the way up to the government, so I grew up comfortably. If I
want something, everyone prepares to get it for me. Even if what I want is
hard to get and requires effort, it only adds to my interest in owning it. Like
this time.
"And why should I follow your wishes?"
"Let me tell you. If you offend someone like me, what do you think will
"Who do you think you are?! Just who are you to talk so selfishly like
Suddenly Porsche rose from the couch.
All my subordinates entered and surrounded him until he stopped and looked
around; his eyes were terrified before slamming back onto the couch seat. It
does not matter how strong he is, but if he had to take on ten of my
bodyguards who surrounded him, anyone would naturally be afraid. Because
this is my place, he doesn't dare to go on a rampage.
"Porsche, I know people like you don't like being forced. But since you
are such a good person, I just wanted to get along this way. "
I changed my position as he put his arms down onto his lap. I intend to talk
"I won't do it."
He said stubbornly.
"All of you, out."
I sent my subordinates away because after they leave, I will discuss the
details of my offer with him and don't want my subordinates to learn of it
because they will feel inferior to me being biased.
"But... Khun Kinn..."
Big protested and I immediately looked back with fierce eyes, not letting him
"Hey... you!! If you do something to hurt Khun Kinn, I will definitely kill
Before he left the room, Big pointed at Porsche's face and told him that.
Porsche was getting frustrated, he lifted his leg to kick the couch nearby,
chasing after my other subordinates and shouting curses.
"Of course, you and your scumbags"
He scoffed, making Big look away slightly and shut the door.
"Hey, I really like your courage."
I said while shaking my head.
"I'll say it again, I really want you to work for me. Plus, you can say how
much salary you want."
I thought this easier to accept as Porsche needs money.
"...One million per month, can you pay me?"
I saw him say with a smile. He really is something.
"So cute! What do you have to offer, based on the situation?"
"It is based on reality. You want me so badly, so I think a million a
month makes sense. A footballer makes up to ten million, so I guess a
million is accurate."
He changed his sitting position to a more relaxed one, leaning back on the
sofa comfortably.
Hmmm, so he thinks it is negotiable now.
"But you're not a footballer... you must be thinking that you will work
for me for a month and then redeem your house. After that, you will
I realized what he was thinking until he turned around with a slightly
surprised face. I was not surprised by the expression he put on. I can read
everything. Do not even think of messing with me!
"Then I won't..."
"I wonder, with a paycheck of three hundred and fifty baht a day at
your tavern, when are you going to raise enough money to take your
house back?... Hmmm, ten years? Forty years?... I can't even count it."
I already feel like a winner here.
"I have my own way!"
He spat at me.
"Own way??!"
I smirk and phoned my subordinates who were already getting ready in front
of the new liquor store where Porsche works.
"Do it!"
I ordered someone on the other side of the phone. Hearing that, Porsche
looked at me with curiosity.
"What are you doing?"
"Wait and see, "
I said, standing up, walking to the opposite table, and tapping the coffee
machine quietly as I glanced at the clock. Inside the room there was complete
silence, I just looked at his back with a smile. He was sitting in the same
place, but then he looked at his cellphone screen
[Porsche phone is ringing]
"Yes, Phi Q?"
[I am firing you!]
The sound from across the room was loud enough that even I heard it. He
smiled bitterly before getting up, his face looked angry that his body
trembled. Those ferocious eyes stared at me and I smiled back at him.
"Fuck you Kinn!!!"
He threw the cell phone at me. I didn't avoid it. The solid object slammed into
the edge of my brow until I felt blood pouring out. I got terribly angry by
now, enough that I rushed towards him.
My feet quickly stepped before using one hand to tighten around his neck and
pushed his body against the wall. He seems surprised by what I did to him.
He tries to squirm out of my hand, but I can tell that my emotions are soaring
up that I have more energy than usual.
"I have been speaking to you politely!"
I said in a deep dangerous voice. I do not know how furiously I looked while
glaring at him right now.
When our eyes met, the hand that was trying to push and wriggle, stilled. I
saw a flicker of fear in those eyes. I loosened my grip but did not let go.
"If you didn't manipulate things and make fun of me, I wouldn't be so
angry with you..."
"What did I do?"
"You pretended to be someone else, beat me, and bit my neck until it
wound up, you also avoided me. Even though I swore at first that I did
not want to use this method at all, you annoyed me from the first time I
looked for you at the university and at the club where you worked while
not finding someone named Jom. Plus, it hurt my pride, while I had not
even done anything."
"I have the right to behave however I want ... and ... you can't expect me
to fulfill your wish! How foolish!!!"
He spits on me.
My frustration is getting worse, I unconsciously pressed and lifted his body
against the wall until he floated in the air. The saliva on my face made me
even angrier. I don't care how much effort Porsche applied to get rid of my
hand himself, he is choking in my grip. I almost wanted to kill the person in
front of me as soon as the liquid ran down my cheek until I had to scrape it
off with my free hand.
"Since I was born, no one has ever done this to me!!!"
I gritted my teeth tightly. My hand that was holding him, trembled until his
neck was almost crushed.
"Khun Kin!!!Khun Kinn...Let go!!!"
I don't even know when they entered the room. P'Chan came in and took hold
of my hand along with some underlings who were also holding on to me until
I let him go. Porsche's body fell to the ground. The sound of his ragged
breathing and coughs was so loud it seemed like he was really going to die.
"What the hell are you doing!!"
Pa's voice came from behind. I flicked my arm out from the grip below me
and looked away.
"Are you alright?"
P Chan's voice was heard asking Porsche and lifted him to sit back on the
"Your father asked you to approach him and ask to be your bodyguard,
not to kill him
I took a deep breath, still shocked by the current situation, the gaze of the
person looking at me horrified me to the bones because I had never seen that
gaze before.
The gaze of that terrifying angel of death scared me so much that I could not
breathe properly. It was as if everything around me stood still. I could only
look stunned when I saw the person in front of me turned into someone that
was different from the one I have met.
I was carried by someone to sit on the couch, a tingling sensation in my neck
replaces the fear I had felt. I feel the pain that his long fingers left there
together with the uncomfortable breathing as if I am drowning and dying.
"I don't know what happened between you and Kinn, but I'm sorry for
The deep voice made me look away. My consciousness feels like it will drift
away anytime now, and I still cannot understand what is happening. All I
know is, currently there is a quiet and scary middle-aged man sitting in front
of me.
"Drink this first."
I did not hesitate to take the drink because I kept coughing until my mouth
was dry and sore. I closed my eyes slightly as the cold water flowed down
my throat and made me relieved.
"I heard you don't want to work for me?"
I lifted my head to look at the figure of the man ahead again. Looks like he is
the most powerful from the way he sat and spoke and very respectable; I
think this is Kinn's dad.
I answered, hardly talking with a hoarse voice.
He asked immediately.
"I don't want to complicate my own life... It's too risky and I don't want
to mess it up..."
Now Kinn has changed my view of him, I didn't even want to think about it.
"Your life has been threatened from the first time you saved Kinn... Do
you think that the other party will not bother you as Kinn did? I think
they might do more."
He said in a calm tone. Those eyes looked at me carefully.
"What do you mean?"
I asked back why my life is in danger. What else might the other party do to
me? In fact, my life today is cursed, it is all because of Kinn!
"A great man like you, who won a battle with top boxers from all over
the country? Of course, they would never just let you go."
I don't even know what he is talking about. Who will never let me go? Even
so, I know he is trying to convince me.
"No... I still won't do it."
"I heard you are Athie's nephew, right?"
"If you agree, your life will be safe."
"I don't care about him, go ahead and kill him. If you try to convince me
with this method, you can forget about it, because it won't work."
"Well, your life is bad as it is, you don't appreciate the offer."
He pulled his hand back onto the sofa in a relaxed manner. I remember that
incident, the person who brought me to this place, it is all because of Uncle
Athie and Kinn!!
"If you will excuse me... and please tell Kinn not to threaten the people
around me again."
But the words I heard next made me look back hastily.
"Even if Kinn didn't do it, someone else will. You will have tougher
problems... I heard you have a younger brother?"
"Don't mess with my brother!"
I answered in a stiff voice, looking at the old man's face.
"No, I wouldn't do something like that."
A distinctive laugh like Kinn's made me believe that what I was expecting
was true.
"But if you accept this job, I will give you fifty thousand a month ... it
will make your lives comfortable ... or do you want your brother to have
a hard time...? "
Words that seemed oppressive, seemed inversely proportional to words that
looked weak when looking at me. Eyes that are hard to read make me
clueless ...
"Because I don't want my brother to be sad, so I don't want to."
I said honestly. Because even though I did nothing wrong, I and the people
around me are always facing conflict.
"A great person like you probably won't die so easily. Do you think about
how to make your brother feel better? Before thinking about life and
death, I want to make you another offer. If you agree... I promise to take
good care of your brother. He won't get in trouble and I am going to
send him to graduate school.
I do not understand why the offer is bigger than before. Why do these people
want me so badly? Is it just because I really have a good foundation in selfdefense and combat?
"Accept the offer, because I really want you to, or do you want
something more?"
He opened his hands as if I could ask now for anything.
"Home! I want my parent's house back."
Because I know that it will be difficult and impossible to pay it back. I am not
sure why I said that, but the response surprised me.
"Yes, I can return it to you now."
I could hardly believe my ears. My request was easily accepted by a man who
looks scary but has kind eyes.
If I am not mistaken, I think he seems very fond of me, which was different
from his personality.
"Do you want anything else?"
"My salary can't be fifty thousand. I am asking one million baht a
I want to reinforce the thought that I can ask for what I want and forget that I
am being cajoled.
"Wow.....that's expensive. Eighty thousand can you accept?"
he said with a laugh.
I closed my mouth. The stressful atmosphere that was full of worry at first,
transformed into a calm atmosphere. I came to think that this man in front of
me is like my own father... both the aura, speaking accent, and the look in his
eyes. The image of my father and brother flashed across my mind. I once
promised in front of my father's grave that I would take care of my brother
and would not make it difficult for him. But now I don't even have my
father's house. I think about what he said and glanced at the eyes of the
guards as they threatened me.
Then I think of more needs and know I need to negotiate again.
"I must be their leader."
The bodyguard in charge prepared to open his mouth, but Kinn's father
stopped him.
"Ha-ha, it was destined to be like that."
The bastard was even angrier. I lifted the corners of my mouth slightly at
him. How can I not be satisfied with this victory?
"And I am not going to wear that crazy suit either! I am going to wear
normal clothes."
"What position are you implying? As a bodyguard or company
president...? Hahaha, I like it."
He pointed at me and laughed really loud. I am so relaxed that I raised my
eyebrows to ask back ...
"So, can I do it like that?"
"Yes, but only indoors. When outside I want everyone to look the same
because it won't look good."
"Mm ..."
"In short ... like this time, right?"
Then I remembered something ... being a bodyguard, means being Kinn's
bodyguard, right?
"What if Kinn kills me?"
"I definitely won't let him do that."
"How can I trust that you will keep your promises about keeping my
brother safe and about my house?"
"Huh ... you should already know by now who I am. Until now, I have
never hurt my dignity by not keeping my promises ... What else should I
Said his stern voice. This is not the same as claiming property and he is more
trustworthy than the bastard Kinn who was sitting silently beside him.
I am still thinking about everything, trying to find contradictions to take this
position so I will never accept this job.
"If your brother's comfort and safety come at the cost of your life, it is
very risky. So, do it now."
"... I need to think."
I will take the time to think things through. Right now, I am confused, I do
not want to accept this offer, but I am very tempted by the offer. I want to see
Che' eating and living comfortably. But then his image of crying that day
repeatedly swirled in my head, making the decision even more difficult.
Your brother's comfort and safety come at the cost of your life, it is very
risky. So, do it now.
"When can you provide me with an answer?"
A dark voice asked, before I even made up my mind, I realized another
aspect. Even though I do not want to count my uncle in this, at least he is the
person who my father loved.
"I will ask for one more thing."
He gestured for me to speak.
"If I agree ... give me some time, ah, can you delay the repaying of the
The man in front smiled before nodding his head.
He said.
"Tomorrow ... tomorrow I will give an answer."
After that conversation, I returned with my motorbike. Leaving all the
questions that keep repeating in my brain. What should I do? The choice I am
going to make will be life-changing. If I agree, my brother will have a better
life. Ah, I will be relieved to see his inconvenience. But if I answered no, I
just have to find a new job and save up to reclaim the house back, cut our
relationship with Athie and my brother will go through hard times, but at the
expense of peace of mind.
Which one should I choose?
[ Conversation between Khun Korn and Khun Chan] * Khun Chan is Khun
Korn's secretary*
"Why are you giving him so much? He is too demanding, just take the
offer away. Great people don't seem to be the only option."
"At first I thought like that. If it is difficult, I don't want him to become
a serious nuisance
So, for what?"
"Because I know whose son Porsche is......"
to be continued...

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