Chapter 2

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Girone Club
^To be recruited as a mafia member you have to be in places where they appear commonly. A night club is one such place so I got to act my best^ Katsuki thought as he entered the club wearing a silver chain, somewhat gelled hair, black gem earrings, shiny Green shirt with black jeans. ^Damn I look ridiculous, like why do mafia people dress like literal beggars^ Katsuki thought as he sat at the counter and asked for a drink.
"Oh my~ what a fine man! I wonder how he would look if I were to cut him!" A blonde haired girl wearing a middle school uniform walks up to Katsuki. "You are pretty handsome~ Are you new here by any chance? My name is Himiko Toga so call me Toga" The blonde haired girl said as she sat beside him. ^that is a school uniform...she is way too young to be here but if I fret over this then my cover will be blown up. I should just act like a that's too indecent for a man. Let's just ignore her.^ Katsuki thought as he drinks his drink. "Man you must think I am a child or something! Don't worry I am an adult probably near your age! I just like wearing this to clubs, it misleads people a lot." Himiko said as she leaned a little bit closer to Katsuki. "Ever heard of personal space weirdo? It's as if you respect no one" Katsuki scoffed and Himiko narrowed her eyes. "I do respect my boss a lot! That is why I never thought about cutting him! Though I assure you he will look beautiful covered in blood just like his little brother's precious" Toga smirked as she drank Katsuki's drink in one go. "You are way too damn comfortable around strangers..." Katsuki said as he thought ^Precious? Is it the same thing I know about? So it means she is from Dabi's mafia^. "Hey! How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't go anywhere on your own! There are many who want information from you! You gullible Toga!" Jim, also known as twice, is Himiko Toga's partner in crime, shouted from a little distance, "Oh geez! You are unbearable!" Toga pouted 
"I was trying to have a good looking boyfriend here!" Toga added.
"You were trying have a what? Sheesh you crazy girl! Who is this bastard? Trying to lay hands on this little girl?!" Jim scowled.
"Nah I did not sign up for this" Katsuki sighed in annoyance and grabbed Jim's collar "listen here punk...I am not in the mood today besides you have got the whole situation wrong, it was her who tried to touch me. Anyways you should scram." Katsuki said as he let go of Jim's collar. "Perfect! You are exactly the one I need!" A handsome dual haired young man clapped as he looked at Katsuki.
^Who the hell is this? Entitled looking half and half?^ Katsuki thought as he asked, "Who are you?" The handsome dual haired man said , "My name is Shoto. Nice to meet you and you are?" "I am Rudy" Katsuki's alias is Rudy. "Nice to meet you Rudy. I was looking for someone like you for a job I have" Shoto said. ^So he is Shoto...Dabi's younger brother and apparently he is the one who has precious, well this is what that crazy girl said" Katsuki thought and then he looked at Shoto and said, "What type of Job?" "It is primarily about safeguarding someone" "So like a bodyguard?" Katsuki said. "Yes you are right! But of course you have some tests to give since I am hiring you to protect someone I adore the most" Shoto said with resting expression on his face. "If you want the job then follow me to my place" Shoto said. "Wait hold on! Why would I agree to working for you? What will I get you half and half entitled idiot?" Rudy said mockingly. The silence in the club after Katsuki's dialogue was very loud. ^Shit...did I over do it?^ Katsuki thought as he looked around. Suddenly the silence broke when Shoto starts laughing like crazy. ^Has he lost it? Didn't I just insult him? Does he not have pride? What the hell!^ Katsuki thought as he stared at Shoto in disbelief. "Oh my will be paid a decent amount and given a place to live. Is that alright?" Shoto said. "Well fine...I guess" Katsuki said. "So we have a deal, Rudy?" Shoto said as he reached for a handshake to which Katsuki rejected by slapping his hand away. "We have a deal" Katsuki said. ^Who cares? I got the easiest way into his base^ .
Shoto walked towards his car and Katsuki followed him. They got into the car and drove away leaving Toga and Jim behind. "So should we report this incident to Dabi?" Jim asked Himiko. "Eh...he brought in many is nothing special. Let's leave it and go cut some people!" "I am good, you can do whatever you want to do. No one will stop you." Jim said.

At The Mafia Base of The League
"We are here! Get out right now as we have no time to waste!" Shoto said as he bolted towards the door. Without any questions asked, Katsuki followed him. "You are slow. Hurry next time or I will be late" Shoto said as he waited for Katsuki. "Nobody told me that I would have to race you inside the base or something" Katsuki scowled. "Well I brought you here to see who you will bodyguard. He is my precious little love so take care of him" "If he is so precious to you then why don't you protect him?" Katsuki said. Shoto gave Katsuki side eye and then moved towards the staircase and climbed it to reach the 3rd floor. "Why the hell is this room so up?" Katsuki got annoyed by all the stairs. Shoto ignored Katsuki and walked towards a room at the end of the floor and knocks on it. "It is me, Shoto, I am coming in with a new bodyguard!" Shoto said and he entered the room. Katsuki saw the boy sitting on his bed with a blanket covering him. The boy then slowly got up and revealed his face. ^Izuku...?^ Katsuki thought as he emotionlessly stood there.

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