Chapter 4

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Little recap
Toga lead them to Dabi's room and asked Katsuki to let go of Izuku and pick him up after sometime. Katsuki hesitated
but Izuku asked him to let go. Izuku went inside the room and Toga dragged away Katsuki. "Will something bad happen to him? If he is scarred then I will have to answer that candy cane" Katsuki said and Toga said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to your salary as Shoto told me to do this. Besides who cares if our boss make any scars on him, he is used to it". We don't what it was but back then Katsuki felt a strong urge to beat someone up to death, he ran towards Dabi's room and kicked open the door. His eyes widened when he saw what was in front of him.
Recap over
Katsuki could not believe what he had just seen. Izuku was tied to a chair and Dabi was holding a knife. Katsuki, without a second thought punched Dabi and took his knife and cuts the rope which tied Izuku to the chair. Izuku was shocked to see Katsuki there and saving him. Izuku felt relieved and subconsciously rested his head on Katsuki's chest.Katsuki held Izuku in his arms in a bridal style and glared at Dabi ,who was on the floor amused by Katsuki's reaction to Izuku being in danger.Toga arrived at the scene and was taken aback to see Dabi in the floor and Izuku in the arms of Katsuki. "Move out of the way, Psycho!" Katsuki exclaimed as he stomped outside the room and shut the door in their faces. "How dare he!" Himiko angrily said as she helped Dabi stand up. "This is rare...He takes his job too seriously, I wonder why?" Dabi snickered. "Oi Dabi! What happened?" Shigaraki asked. "Oh Tomura...I am alright" Dabi said. "That blonde kid really punched you hard...I can see you wince whenever you move" Tomura said. Tomura Shigaraki is the leader of this mafia group, which is indirectly being controlled by Sensei. "You didn't have to see through me like this, I am embarrassed..." Dabi said with a poker face. "Sometimes I feel like I give you too much freedom. You are not allowed to harm Izuku Midoriya and neither are we but Himiko has also joined in. Sensei will be greatly disappointed seeing you both not obeying his direct order." Tomura said as he sighs and Himiko just pouted and excused herself from the room.
"So...when are we going to do it?" Dabi asked as he stepped closer to Tomura. "Not yet...Dabi..." Tomura said as he looked away. Dabi brought Tomura's face to face towards him with him squishing Tomura's cheeks. " I am getting bored...this business has been stretched too long" Dabi whispers in Tomura's ear. Tomura got all red, "I am asking when are going to take over of the state? What did you think for you to be so red?" Dabi said and Tomura got both embarrassed and irritated with Dabi playing around so he pushed him away. "Keep your distance...till I say something related to this...pick up the hints" With that being said, Tomura walked away and Dabi just laughed at his reaction.

At the Mansion, 3rd floor, Katsuki's room
"Does it hurt?" Katsuki asked Izuku in a soft  yet husky voice. Izuku winced at the pain and struggled as he was lying on the bed, "Can you please be gentle?" Izuku asked Katsuki. "I am super gentle already! How else are you supposed to put antiseptic on your wounds?" Katsuki said. "Well I do have a lot of scars...another doesn't matter." Izuku said plainly. "See...that is the problem! You had a bodyguard for god knows how many of them in the past years and you have scars! You were harmed! It's really ironic" Katsuki scolded Izuku out of his love for him. "Are you worried?" Izuku said . "Of course I am! Till the time I am with you, I promise you are not hurt. Whether it be mentally or emotionally or physically. I am going to protect you with my life" Katsuki said and Izuku listened to him, his little speech almost made Izuku cry but he stopped himself. Katsuki realised what he just said sounded cringey and got embarrassed about it, "I cleaned your wounds! Should I put some bandage on them?" Katsuki said trying to deviate from his cringey speech.
With Shoto
Shoto just entered the mansion to check up on Izuku's condition. "I think it must be over now..." Shoto said as he walked towards Dabi's office and knocked on the door. "Come on in, little brother" Dabi said from inside the room. Shoto opened the door and was startled to see that Izuku was not there. "Where is Izuku?" Shoto asks Dabi frankly. "How am I supposed to know? That boyfriend- sorry bodyguard of his took him away in his arms" Dabi said as played with a pen. Shoto without a second thought bolted towards Izuku's room and slammed the door. "That door is going to break one of these days for sure..."Dabi said as he continued playing with his pen.
When Shoto arrived at Izuku's room he knocked the door but got no answer. He opened the door and saw nobody was inside. He panicked and ran towards Katsuki's room and opened it swiftly.
What he saw inside made him mad. He saw Izuku laying down on Katsuki's bed, half naked and Katsuki applying medicine with his bare hands touching Izuku's sacred body. Izuku panicked as well when he saw Shoto at the door. Izuku shrugged Katsuki's hand off and says, " was your day?" Izuku tried getting up but Katsuki stopped him and said, "Just relax and stay seated. What do you want sir?" Katsuki was livid at the thought that Shoto kept Izuku so poorly all these years. Shoto takes a deep breath and says, "I want Izuku to be back in his room" Katsuki got irritated and moved closer to Shoto and said, "Well that cannot happen sir ,Izuku is hurt thanks to you so I will keep him with me in this room till he recovers" Shoto got annoyed and said, "Why don't you just listen and keep yourself away from this matter. I swear it won't affect your payment." Izuku got sad and looked away thinking that Katsuki would stop caring like everyone else but instead Katsuki said, "Sir you see I am his bodyguard. Anything related to him is my business especially when it comes to his unhealthy treatment around here. As a bodyguard I can't break my promise to protect him. If you want you can reduce my salary as well." Both Izuku and Shoto were shocked to hear Katsuki's words. Izuku felt really happy and loved whereas Shoto just walked out of the room without saying anything. Katsuki turned to Izuku whose eyes were glowing with hope. Oh! Those beautiful green eyes! How much Katsuki adored them!. "Katsuki...can you please come here...near me?" Izuku said and as soon as Katsuki got closer he was hugged by Izuku. Both Katsuki and Izuku had forgotten what it is like to be hugged by each other until now. "Call me Kacchan, will you Izuku?" Katsuki said as he hugged Izuku back even more. Izuku suddenly felt that he had experienced this before especially the name which he heard for the first time but it felt familiar. "Ok Kacchan..." Izuku said and tries to break the hug but fails to do so when Katsuki hugs him even more and a teardrop trickles down his face. Katsuki missed Izuku so much that just hearing him say his nickname made him emotional.
^I am sorry...Izuku^

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