Chapter 3

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"It is me, Shoto, I am coming in with a new bodyguard!" Shoto said and he entered the room. Katsuki saw the boy sitting on his bed with a blanket covering him. The boy then slowly got up and revealed his face. ^Izuku...?^ Katsuki thought as he emotionlessly stood there.
"Shoto...welcome back...! It's quite late at night right now...what brings you here?" Izuku asked as he goes up to Shoto . Shoto kisses him on his lips to which Izuku was hesitant to return the kiss but did it anyways. "Right...this is your new bodyguard, his name is Rudy" Shoto said to Izuku and Izuku just stares at Katsuki. "Nice to meet you, I am Rudy , your new bodyguard" Katsuki said to break the awkward stare. " name is Izuku...but you can call me anything you want! From today on I will be in your care" Izuku said as he smiled at Katsuki. That smile was a fake one, to be honest there were no distinct expressions on Izuku's face, it looked as if he has lost his sense of emotions which made Katsuki be suspicious of Shoto. "Well it's late now, let us all rest and begin tomorrow with a smile...right Izuku?" Shoto said and Izuku just smiled at his face. "Let me show you your room Rudy, follow me" Shoto said and walked out of Izuku's room and Katsuki followed him. Izuku locked his door and Katsuki noticed Izuku's behaviour was very different from years ago. "Right, Rudy that is your room literally opposite to Izuku's room. You have to keep a close eye on him but ignore your duty when I go to his room. No matter what you hear, you won't come inside the room. Got it?" Shoto said and walked away. "This man is someone weird...I can't believe Izuku was living in such a condition. He doesn't remember me either. Guess I have to talk to him tomorrow morning" Katsuki walked in his newly assigned room and laid down on the bed dead tired and fell asleep.

The next morning around 5 a.m.
It was pitch black in the base which was above the ground, looking like a mansion which was not well maintained. The place where Izuku was brought for the first time. Unfortunately Izuku also had to go to the underground base in the morning. Izuku did not understand why he had to do so but Shoto asked him to come to the underground base every second Saturday morning of the month. So following his routine, Izuku got ready and knocked at Katsuki's door around 4:30 a.m. . Katsuki heard the noise and got up, of course he was cranky about waking up this early in the morning but he had no choice since he was in enemy territory. He must make note of every action done by the people. He got up and wore his plain black tank top and opened the door. He was surprised to see Izuku at the doorstep and asked Izuku, "What do you want so early in the morning? Don't you have to sleep?" Katsuki acted rude to make Izuku remember even a little glimpse of their childhood. Izuku just frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Rudy, since you are my bodyguard you should be with me all the time and not let me go wherever I want alone. Besides I have to go to the underground base and it will be a good idea for you to meet everyone there since Shoto-Kun is busy, he probably didn't tell you about this. Please get ready for we have to leave in a bit" Katsuki just stood there listening to what Izuku was saying. On hearing Izuku not speaking, he went inside and wore his previous day outfit. "Don't you have any new clothes?" Izuku asked and Katsuki said, "The thing is that all this happened way too quickly so I don't think I got a chance to pack my stuff" Izuku sighed and asked Katsuki to follow him.
They were now standing in front of a scan camera. Izuku got his face scanned and his fingerprints were scanned as well. Izuku entered the room after the door opened and Katsuki sprinted inside. "You have way too much energy in the morning" Izuku asked as he yawned. "Well I am used to sleeping less hours...I guess that is why I feel energetic today because you woke me up before I could even sleep for four consecutive hours" Katsuki answered and Izuku just stared at him and asked, "why are you accustomed to sleeping so little?" "Let me just say that something kept troubling me and I had a hectic bachelor job life" Katsuki said ^why are we just standing in this room?! Should I ask?^ Katsuki thought. "We are waiting here for someone to fetch us, because the path to the underground base is like a maze. Only a true member knows their way in and out" Izuku said as if he could read Katsuki's mind which kind of freaked Katsuki out. Out of nowhere, they hear a voice of someone giggling and laughing and a pair of heel's making a sound. "Sorry to keep you waiting Izuku~" Toga said as she stepped out of the shadow. "What? This crazy girl is here as well!" Katsuki shouted. "I see you both met each other so I do not need to introduce you to each other" Izuku said as he patted Katsuki on his back to make him less angry. Katsuki slightly widened his yes at the gesture and immediately calmed down. "Oh no! Izuku kun, we both got off the wrong foot, let me introduce myself again! I am Himiko Toga and I like to cut people up. Their bloodied up bodies make them much more beautiful and handsome. I like to collect blood of my victims. Izuku kun is my favourite person to cut but that Shoto brat asked me not to! I hope I could cut you some day too!" Toga said and Katsuki said, "It would have been better if you didn't introduce yourself...what a lunatic" Izuku chuckled a bit and then stopped. "Well I came to tell that Shoto asked you to meet Dabi in his room alone and don't make him angry regardless the situation" Toga said as she smirked and Izuku suddenly lost his smile, his back tensed and he could not start to moving. That is when Katsuki picked up Izuku in a bridal style and said, "Oi! Show me the way to that Dabi, you lunatic" Izuku was too stunned to speak so he unknowingly got closer to Katsuki. "Fine, follow me" Toga said.
Toga lead them to Dabi's room and asked Katsuki to let go of Izuku and pick him up after sometime. Katsuki hesitated but Izuku asked him to let go. Izuku went inside the room and Toga dragged away Katsuki. "Will something bad happen to him? If he is scarred then I will have to answer that candy cane" Katsuki said and Toga said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to your salary as Shoto told me to do this. Besides who cares if our boss make any scars on him, he is used to it". We don't what it was but back then Katsuki felt a strong urge to beat someone up to death, he ran towards Dabi's room and kicked open the door. His eyes widened when he saw what was in front of him.

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