Chapter 5

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The next morning ,
The State Department of Intelligence and Research,
Office of the Chief of Police
"It's irresponsible for Katsuki Bakugou to not report anything in these 2 days" Enji said as he paced to and fro in his office. "I think you are worrying too much and isn't this supposed to be his personal mission?" Ex- Chief of Police, Mr. Toshinori Yagi said as he sipped his tea. "Easy for you to have retired! You shouldn't worry yourself by coming here" Enji said to Mr. Yagi. Although their age difference was not much Mr.Yagi retired early because of his weak health condition. "Mr. Todoroki surely you know how frustrating it is to not being able to solve a case well enough?" Mr. Yagi said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "Where are you going with that? Mr. Yagi" Enji got a bit annoyed by Toshinori's comment. "Well I still remember when you were unable to find your best friend after he went missing....that was 24 years ago." Mr. Yagi said so knowing well enough that he might trigger some unwanted memories for Enji. Mr. Enji looked at Mr. Yagi with disbelief. He wondered how cruel can Mr. Yagi be even when he was stating facts. "I am also unsatisfied with my last case before retirement when Young Midoriya went missing. I was taking charge in that investigation but sadly I couldn't find anything." Mr. Yagi said as he tried to somewhat lessen Enji's pain. "I remember how Inko cried when her son went missing, she said that she was sure that this all was related with your case from 24 years ago. The best friend you looked for was Inko's husband and Izuku's father, Hisashi Midoriya. He disappeared when Izuku was born." Mr. Yagi explained. Enji didn't want to listen to anything as he felt really guilty for not helping Inko and find Hisashi.
"Mr. Yagi...what do you think happened to Hisashi?" Enji asked Toshinori out of curiosity. "Isn't it obvious? He got Inko pregnant and ran away when Izuku was born. He didn't want to take responsibility for the child..." Mr. Yagi said knowing this would upset Enji more than anything. Obviously Enji got angry with Toshinori's perception but deep down he agreed with Toshinori.
Hisashi and Enji were friends for almost half their lives. They were each other's perfect halves. Hisashi attended Enji's wedding with Rei and became the godfather to their children. He was pretty close to the family. By the time Enji and Rei  conceived Natsuo, Hisashi also found a girlfriend which was Inko. Enji had a successful career and marriage (he didn't abuse Rei) which Hisashi envied because despite his efforts, he never became successful in his job. Hisashi wanted to pursue in gadget making but his parents advised him to do things with better quality and better payment- a stable job. Inko loved Hisashi and so did he. By the time Rei was due with Shoto, Inko also became pregnant. Inko was happy but Hisashi was anxious as he didn't know what the future held for the family, hell he didn't even know if he could provide his family with even necessary items for daily usage. He never thought of running away from his responsibilities but he suddenly vanished when Izuku was born. Inko was devastated and Enji couldn't believe that Hisashi could do something like that. The Todoroki family provided Inko with money and companionship. Inko was indebted to them for their kindness. She worked hard so she could not burden the  Todoroki family.
After years passed, she was going to celebrate her Son's 18th birthday with all she had but he never came home after going to school. She went to the police and they helped her with what they were able to do. Sadly the investigation was closed after 3 months of searching. Inko was completely broken...shattered into pieces. The world did her wrong. The only thing left was to pray for her son's safety and health when she didn't even knew if he was still alive. She held onto the ray of hope for her son to be alive and prayed and prayed for hours. Rei made visits to Inko regularly. One day Rei got to know that her youngest son, Shoto, fled away to the mafia ran by Dabi. She didn't know that Dabi was in fact also her son who was presumed dead because of a forest fire. After a year of Izuku's disappearance, Shoto left too. The mothers thought since they were close since childhood, one of them gone would affect the other.

At the Mafia base,
Katsuki's room
It was a cloudy morning. Izuku woke up feeling refreshed by the change of rooms. He felt surprisingly comfortable with Katsuki. He felt as if he knew the man from years ago, even though they met two nights ago. "What are you doing? Waking up this early?" Katsuki who laid beside Izuku asked him in a gentle tone of voice. Izuku was surprised by Katsuki's gentle, he felt as if he had only heard his harsh and stinging voice even when Katsuki always talked gently with Izuku since the night he met him. "Oh...I felt refreshed by my sleep...quite contending for my sleep, I used to wake up tired all the time." Izuku answered Katsuki's question. Katsuki sat up on the bed and asked Izuku whether his wounds felt alright. Izuku replied with a smile saying that the medicine worked well and Katsuki seemed content with the answer. "Hey...Kacchan can I ask you something?" Izuku said as he looked down at his palms. Katsuki was slightly surprised to hear Izuku call him Kacchan even though he asked him to do so, "Yeah sure" Katsuki said. "Have we met before? I know it sounds weird but...I feel like I have known you longer...I felt the same when I first met him...l know it's confusing but please think and answer!" Izuku said nervously and seemed anxious for the answer.
"Yes...Izuku! I have known you my whole life and so have you! You went missing in our last high school year..." Katsuki was shocked when he said all that and Izuku was also shocked with the answer. " say that I went missing when I was 18?" Katsuki nodded. "So...that must be around 6 years but I first met Shoto 5 years ago...I swear one of the latest memories I have is of Shoto..." Izuku said with concern and Katsuki said, "You are saying there is a whole 1 year gap?!" Izuku nodded.

" are his Kacchan , Am I right Katsuki Bakugou?" Shoto said as he stood by the door.

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