Black Bulls

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Y/n's POV

 I made my way toward Captain Yami as Asta rushed back from the restroom. Asta talked so quickly, and not to mention very.....excitedly, about how this was a great step toward him being the Wizard King.

I listened with a soft smile on my face as he pumped up his fists, eyes sparkling at one success of many.

He's really so cool.

We stopped in front of the Captain and Finral, where I decided my shoes look really nice this evening.

I remember him and I never understood why exactly he couldn't get a girlfriend. He is definitely sweet and while I understand why others would think he's a playboy, he just seems super determined to find love. But he is just so forward!

"Hello beautiful lady! So glad you decided to come be with me!" He spoke confidently, adding a wink for good measure. I had only looked up just long enough to see him wink at me and the overwhelming awkwardness sent my eyes right back down to my feet.

"Yeah...Happy here..." I stuttered. I'm sure eventually he will find someone else but for now, I'll try to keep my calm a little better than this.

I heard Asta and Yami bickering about the reason Asta was late. I came with Asta but I didn't get scolded at all.

I had started giggling during this interaction, only to be distracted by Finrals' mana growing smaller. Like, I can actually see it?!?!?

When he brought up how he couldn't hold it open much longer because he was losing mana, I reached out and gently placed my hand on his bicep on instinct.

Finral stared at this young woman. Not only is she beautiful, but she is touching me?!?!? He could die and go to...what....

The men stared, Asta in confusion because he had no idea what was wrong and why the other two were staring at his friend. Yami was watching Finrals' mana grow not just back to its original size but be seemingly embedded with a spell within it. Nothing harmful, but definitely something Julius may be able to figure out.

Yami laughed out loud saying, "That's pushing past your limits!" And proceeded to throw Asta into the portal and go in himself.

"Why does he love to throw Asta so much? He isn't a rag doll!" I grabbed Finral by the hand as I started going through to portal.

"Come on, Fin!" And pulled him through quickly to go after the other members.

As soon as we both got through, I witnessed Asta being blown up and shrieked in fear. But gave a very confused look when he jumped up like it was nothing saying, "I'm not done yet!" and began charging back into the flames.

I followed Captain and watched everything go down.


I opted to stay back and allow Yami to handle this because...I'm not sure what to even do right now. It's terrifyingly awesome? I'm more distracted by the amount of no clothes a particular woman happens to be wearing. I guess you can't really be shy if you're always drunk. She's really pretty though!

When Yami grabbed their attention by breaking more stuff, Finral proceeded to give his, they're good people, speech. I had to laugh at this, as he pointed out each person, making sure to give me little bits of info that wasn't shared with Asta but whispered into my ear like it was a secret. When he did it the 3rd time, I couldn't help but laugh because of the feeling of air being blown into my ear.

I tried to continue to listen intently before suddenly having a picture pushed right into my face.

"You see this little girl? Isn't she an angel?"

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