Waves of Encouragement

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Y/n's POV

Asta and I decided to go for a walk. I knew we would end up finding Noelle, but having this moment with Asta was very nice, even though it was short. We don't get to spend time together as much as before and I really miss him.

As he talked about his dreams, I listened patiently and nodded excitedly with him. When he paused for a moment, I stopped too and gave him a questioning gaze.

"Do you really believe in me?" He asked. The way he asked that question while even having a soft smile broke my heart a little bit. It was almost like he was having a moment of doubt because if I was being fake, then it would be much harder than before.

Even still, I let out a relieved laugh.

"Well duh! Of course, I do!" I spoke these words with joy and continued. "Asta, just because you don't have magic, doesn't mean you can't reach your dreams. I believe that now more than before because look how far you've come!" I exclaimed while throwing my arms out wide to show our surroundings.

"You're a Black Bull! A magic knight! Anyone who thinks you can't do whatever you set your mind on with that knowledge is blind." I finished with a smile and felt myself waver a little seeing him stare at me with wide eyes that I couldn't read.

Asta's POV

Seeing her excited while telling me why she believed in me felt odd. Different but he liked it, even though he didn't understand it. Knowing she did believe in him and wasn't just being polite felt wonderful, new, like eating a ton of pot potatoes even after you get full but you like them so much, you always want more.

Y/n's POV

I started feeling extremely self-conscious, but before it could get too difficult to bear, I felt Asta wrap his arms around me. Without hesitation, I returned his hug feeling a burst of joy in my heart.

I feel so happy!

I pulled away with a smile and leaned forward to give him a kiss on his nose without a second thought.

When I realized what I had just done, I leapt back in a panic, apologizing profusely. Asta turned bright red and started stuttering.

Did I really make him that uncomfortable? I swear I didn't mean to!

"What was that for?" He finally asked, with one hand gently laying on his nose. He was wide-eyed and still red.

Even though I feel so embarrassed, I want to be honest with Asta.

"It's because...you deserve the world. I don't have the world, but I want you to feel the joy I feel when we are together!" I spoke that with whatever confidence I could muster, which was hardly any.

"Um...anyway. I GOTTAGOBYE!" I made a quick getaway, leaving Asta in the dust.

I had been wandering for a little while trying to get my thoughts in order when I heard the sound of water.

I let out a knowing sigh as I made my way back to the base. By the time I got there, Asta was already being thrown like a dart toward Noelle's mishap.

I don't want to change too much. So, I'll wait here and heal any bumps and bruises Asta and Noelle might endure.

Right on cue, Asta and Noelle came flying out of the sky, were saved by Finrals' portal, and right before they landed, I was standing on the other side ready to check them over.

I looked over to Asta and checked to make sure he was okay while he proceeded to inspire Noelle.

After finding that Asta is okay (how, I don't even know anymore), I walked over to Noelle and checked her over as well.

"I remember you. You're that commoner with the wings that enjoys attacking royalty." She muttered.

"I also go by Y/n." I said with a chuckle. I shook my head as she said something about not needing whatever because she's royalty.

"Noelle." I interjected as we all walked back to the base. "The pain of others doesn't have to cause you pain. In that short moment I met your brother, I saw his cruelty, but saw his pain as well."

She stayed silent as I continued.

"The insults he hurls at you have nothing to do with what you are or are not capable of. They are insults cast from a broken heart." I ended our short talk and sprinted after Charmy. "So, try to take in the kindness and courage of others instead of hearing the voices of those only wanting to cast you down. You'll feel much better. Trust me."

"All that fear and chaos made me hungry, la."

"Your food is the best cure for such things." I spoke up excitedly.

I sat down opposite Charmy and immediately had the life shocked outta me by Luck. Dude appeared out of nowhere and poked me out of the blue when all I wanted was to eat. Even though he shocked me, it didn't really hurt. I just wasn't paying attention and him being so close out of nowhere was what made me jump.

"Y/n, wanna fight?" He punched his fists out my way in excitement.

"No, Luck." I said firmly. "I wanna eat, please."

"Oh come on! We can.."

I turned toward him with my finger pointing his way and said one more time, "No!" As firmly as possible

I turned back to Charmy's cooking and felt Luck settle down next to me quietly. I heard something about someone being cute when she's mad, but whatever. I'M STARVING!

When she put another huge platter in front of me, I reached for it with heart eyes.

"Let's eat Charmy!"

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