Freaking Feed me Already!

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Y/n's POV

" you guys normally break everything in sight or is this just an every now and again kinda deal?" I asked nervously with a chuckle. Even though the mess had been cleaned up quickly, I still wasn't sure if this would be something I'd wake up to every day or not.

These guys destroyed so much so quickly upon first meeting them, I really really hope it was just a one time...but somehow...

"Haha! Not everything! We just make sure to keep each other on our toes, but sometimes almost everything gets broken and that's when it's most fun!" Luck exclaimed with his usual smile.

"You jerk! The only one keeping anyone on their toes is you!" Magna complained, voice immediately raised to an annoyed pitch.

When I saw Luck prepare for another fight IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DANG LIVING ROOM once again, I couldn't stand by.

"HOLD IT!" I shrieked, thrusting both arms outwards in an attempt to keep them from starting.

I meant to be a lot more confident when I said it. Crap.

I took a deep breath before starting.

"Luck, how about you train with me?" I invited. "Outside!" I coughed out when I saw him prepare for another fight. When he moved to start a fight anyway, I put one finger up and sternly pointed. "Outside or not at all!"

Which led to me being outside trying to not get killed by the one and only Luck Voltia. Even when I was training with Asta, I didn't have to use mana. I don't think I did, anyway. And since Luck immediately made a rule about actually fighting and not dodging just so I could put him to sleep, I had to agree.

And so we have been fighting. And fighting. And fighting!! ANNND FIGHTING!!!!

I must have been so lost in thought about how I don't want to fight anymore, I didn't even sense Luck nearby until he tackled me to the ground in one blow.

"Hahaha! I win! Wanna fight some more? We got a few hours of daylight left!" He challenged while already throwing off huge amounts of sparks. He had me pinned similarly to how Simba and Nala played when they were kids in the Lion King.

Until I saw him getting ready for another fight, I was thinking of the most polite way to say I want to go eat since I haven't eaten all day. That quickly went out the window as I felt my patience flee.

"LUCK VOLTIA I'M FREAKING STARVING TO DEATH SO GET OFF AND LET ME EAT DANG IT!!!" I screeched loud enough that I swear every animal within at least 10 miles ran for their life.

At this, his eyes widened before he chuckled and hoisted me up by my hand. I didn't even realize until we were at the door to the base that he never let go. All I could hear was the growling demon in my belly and even when I realized it, I just wanted to eat!

I don't think I've ever been this hungry!

"What's the matter with you? Luck go too rough on ya or something?" Magna drawled.

All I was able to do was let out some sort of snarl at Magna who took a huge step back like he had been whipped in the gut.

Luck laughed. "She said she's really really hungry! So I'm going to give her your pudding."


I headed to the dining area where Asta immediately called out and made a gesture toward the seat beside him.

I collapsed in a heap beside him feeling absolutely miserable, letting my mind wander to the cupcake Charmy gave me before.

"Would you like something to eat, la?" Charmy asked while putting what looked like a whole hog in front of me.

Oh my gosh, I can summon Charmy at will. YAY!

"Charmy, I don't think she can eat all of that." Asta said while reaching for the plate Charmy was attempting to hand me.

I quickly snatched it away from him and chowed down like there was no tomorrow.

As the moments passed and I felt my hangry phase subside, I realized the dining area had become completely silent and looked up to see all eyes on me.

I looked at all of them while nibbling on the remnants of meat left on the bone before smiling and placing it down on the now empty platter in front of me.

What the heck happened to me?? I felt like I was starving beyond any feeling I had ever felt before! Not just starving but empty like a void!

"Wow, Y/n! You must've been starving!" Asta exclaimed with starry eyes.

"You put that away faster than Vanessa can put away alcohol." Finral commented while Vanessa put her bottle in the air as if in toast of agreement.

I managed not to let my insecurities cause me to beg for a hole to open in the earth and swallow me right then and there. Luck disappeared on a mission, and so I followed along with Asta and Magna on their way to explore the building.

By the time we reached the end, I was met with a familiar face.

Ms. "I am Royalty".

As she began really laying into Asta and Magna, it took every ounce of energy I possessed to not smack her.

I remember what happened at this point, but I still don't like it.

When she used her magic and obviously aimed at Asta, only to hit Magna, and stomped off like a child saying she quit, all I could do was shake my head.

Magna was beyond pissed off and Asta was beyond confused.

I placed my hand on Magna's shoulder, causing the water to somehow boof and disappear from his clothing while simultaneously restoring his mana, since water is his weakness.

"Hey! What did..?" Magna began.

"I dried you off. No one wants to walk around soaked to the skin, you know!" I said with a smile.

Magna stared at me like he wanted to ask me something and his face was as red as a tomato.

"Is that...really all you did?" He inquired.

Confusion immediately took over as I started thinking about his question.

"All I did was dry you off and give back your mana, Magna. Why? Do you hurt or something?" I asked with concern laced in my voice.

Magna's POV

What did she just do to me? I was mad! Like raging mad and she touched me and, yeah, she dried me off, but I also immediately felt calm. I wanted to be angry that she made me not angry but I looked at her and just like when I first saw her, I just couldn't.

I was pissed and this chick touched me and calmed me down!?!? WITH A TOUCH??? From HER dainty NOT AT ALL manly fingers? Why did she have to care so much to touch me with her little girly hands anyway?

I'm a real man!

And....I'M A REAL MAN!

He stood there flabbergasted as he watched her walk off with Asta, mainly because he felt a twinge of sadness at being left behind.

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