The Power they Witnessed

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William's POV

It is intriguing that this one did not immediately attempt to put herself at the forefront. She obviously carries some sort of unique power but seems to be somewhat unaware of just how much she holds. It's quite phenomenal really, but there's something more to it.

Do not be so quick to want to help her, William. I assure you, she will be no different.

Watching her come out as one of the last teams to battle against each other, he could sense a resolute stillness within her. Like the calm before a storm.

"That girl is an evil menace." Nozel spat out.

Yami did a laugh. "I hear she put you in your place pretty quick!"

Charlotte cast her cold gaze on him. "A woman with power is always considered such."

"That's right, Char!"

"Call me Captain."

Once the team had officially taken their place opposite each other, William couldn't help but hope he gets to see more of her.

Even knowing, or rather, sensing someone within me, she wanted to help us. Maybe she could be of use to us.

Those that are kind cannot be of use to anyone.

Y/n's POV

This jerk has been insulting me nonstop. I don't want to be angry and overdo it but he is seriously pushing it.

Memories of the last few times I felt power coursing through me were both exciting and terrifying. More so of the latter only because I still couldn't understand it.

"Since you're a girl, I promise to take it easy on you." He commented with a smirk.

"Oh really? This will end quickly then." I bit back, finding it difficult to hold back my anger.

My response agitated him enough to get him to use a spell first.

A spell that looked like Sister Lily's "Fist of Love" formed before me. Shaped by water as an outstretched hand, it came around to grip me tight, most likely as an effort to drown me. I closed my eyes as it circled me, ready to let my power take hold.

Yami's POV

The kid didn't even move. Does she wanna die or somethin?

Yami went to light another cigarette when suddenly the hand gripping the girl dissipated as steam, if it can even be described as such. As the steam cleared, her wings could be seen except the appearance had complete changed.

Now her wings are covered in blue flames, almost like she is a phoenix. It's so hot, I can light my cigarette if I want to by just shoving it in her general direction.

"I have had enough of people who refuse to be kind." He heard her speak as she calmly approached her opponent. The blue flames had gone away, but it was clear there was something more going on down there.

Yami noticed the guy seemed to be struggling to bring up another spell. Looking closer, it looked like his mana had completely disappeared.

By the time he seemed to have gotten back some courage to speak, she was right in front of him, glaring at him with an intensity that goes beyond rage but not murderous.

"Having trouble finding your magic?" She held out one of her hands that seemed to be holding...

She's holding that kid's mana like a friggin ball?

"Next time we meet, I hope you'll be kinder to those around you. Or else." She reached out her pointer finger toward his forehead. "You'll know judgement."

With that, she touched his forehead, knocking him unconscious.

Yami, as well as the rest of the captains were flabbergasted, watching her shake her head as she returned her opponents mana, turned toward the captains, and gave a swift bow before heading off to that Asta kid.

Y/n's POV

When it was time to have the Magic Knight Captains choose who they wanted for their squad, it was so sad as it progressed. So many turned away, I couldn't help but feel so sad for them.

When they called Yuno's number, I again remained silent, but wishing him good fortune in his journey toward being the Wizard King. In my world, I wasn't able to get too far into the story and only made it a little past when Asta became good friends with the Black Bulls by passing they both could have died, but it was still pretty cool!

This played out exactly as I remembered, and Yuno chose the Golden Dawn.

My heart felt so sad for Asta. I knew Yami would choose him, but seeing him look so sad, it broke my heart. I felt overwhelming joy when Yami came down like I remembered he would to tell him to join his squad.

"You too!"


I turned my eyes to look directly at Yami with shock, pointing my finger at myself.


"Yami, you cannot go about this in such a way. This is a process that must be done in the order of their numbers." The Crimson Lions Captain called out.

"Oh, so basically, you guys wanna give her more options." He scoffed and rolled his eyes before stepping back with his arms crossed.

What's going...

I stood silent as every hand went up for me. ME? I don't understand. I felt kind of fearful, but excited as well. I looked toward William. I want to go with him but...

I opened my mouth only to shut it again. I took a quick glance at Yuno and looked away again.

I don't want to be an inconvenience to Yuno. I don't know much about any of the other squads and in the story, he was the only one highly sought after. I'd only bring him farther from his dream. I should try to lie low.

I took a deep breath. "I choose the Black Bulls."

Yuno's POV

Yuno felt his heart ache. He knew he had to have hurt her. He saw her look like she wanted to say something so many times today but didn't. He even saw her look his way before quickly looking back and choosing the Black Bulls.

This is her choice. So why does he feel so bitter about it? Why doesn't she remember him? I don't believe in fate but I can't explain her being here.

The moment he saw her, he knew her and felt warm. He never in his wildest dreams thought she had been real and yet, here she was out of nowhere. He couldn't do more than continually hurt her, and that frustrated him to no end because it wasn't his intention. Next time they meet, he will try to be different. He will be stronger and better. More capable of showing her.

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