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i walked past the harbour yesterday.

darkness had just hit; the pale moonlight hitting the murky waters with a start;
children laughing and playing against the lapping shores, their parents ushering them towards the village before the night took over, leaving only the street lights to guide their way back home.

i can't believe that's where you did it.

a place of which in the past had held such happy memories,
memories that were now drowned deep beneath the briny waves.

i sat on the pier,
my trousers pulled up to my knee,
the ocean carefully caressing the calves of my legs.

i can only imagine the thoughts that were crossing your mind in that moment.

the hatred that had somehow encapsulated itself within yourself;
how did no one ever notice.
how did i never notice.

i miss you.

i think of the bitter irony, as i stare out across the sea of nothingness.

two lovers, starcrossed by the master of destiny, who departed on a violent argument, finally reunited in the sweet release of death.

to a degree, how peaceful must death be?
the ideal of doing nothing, any pain, fear, self hatred~
it is nothing in the realm of the end.

whatever in which you believe,
whatever faith in which you follow.

surely death is not more peaceful than this shit.

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