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throwing up again and again.. it's been a month, what happened to me? whenever Rapheal came closer to me there a shitty smell from him that make me felt like throwing up, good reason i guess..

"Den" i looked at the opened door
"What?" Raphael came to me

"I need your body" ay what the fuck.
"Please Den, I'm begging you" he knelt down as a sign of begging

"No means No. Go to the club there a lot of girl that you can hooked up"

"But i need yours Den. My wife body." I slapped him


"Gross? This dick that make you moaning every night." What dick? Don't he know that his dick is small? LMAO

I stifled my laughter..

"Still its a No. As i said earlier go find your whore at the club." He left me with furious.

"HAHAHAHAH dumb. 'moaning every night'? You raped me dumb dude. Hmm" i take a look of this room... i never take a deep look into this house..

"This room is pretty..how could Rachel leave this house and stay at his house hmm."

I go to the living room, sitting on the couch

"I wonder if i didn't get married to him...i might be studying about interior design right now, maybe i could even be a famous interior designer urgh.." i leaned my body to the couch

- somewhere

"Adenly..." I packed my things with full of rush.

"Mama, why can't you let me be happy with the person i love?? I thought you would be happy if i married someone that i love!" Mama held my hand so hard..

"I would be so happy Adenly...but please not with Rapheal. You can choose someone else, you can be happy with someone else! But not with him please..sobs sobs" i heard my mama cried

"We've talked about this Mama. I had my final." I make my way to downstairs.

"Adenly." I looked at my dad.. he's reading the newspaper.

"One step ahead after the door. You're no longer Robert Daughter."

"Robert!!" I saw Mama go to Papa...
"Don't say that Robert... she's our only daughter... We lose Arenly once. I don't want to lose my another daughter too!" Mama cried..

I looked at them.

"If you love us. You shouldn't have do this. If you really love your Mama, you shouldn't have break her heart!" Hearing that makes my heart break into pieces.


"What takes you so long?" I looked at Rapheal that have been waiting for me at the door.

"Raphael i..." Suddenly he grabbed my hand and bag. That honestly shocked me.

"Raphael no!" Mama hold his hand begging him to let go of my hand.

"Please let my daughter go! Please." Mama cried at his hand.

"Old lady." I look at him with shocked. he brushed my mama hand away hard enough to make Mama fall down.

"Mama!" He held my hand tight to stop me.

"Love!" Papa run to Mama "You. How dare you Ack-" as papa was about to slap Rapheal papa had a heart attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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