(S:3 Ep: 26) Fairytale

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*Kit is an OC, one of Lips' younger sisters. Claire is her girlfriend

[The episode begins with Kit reading Dolly and Pearl a story on Pearl's bed. The girls are sitting at her sides with their aunt in the middle. Kit was babysitting them for the night with her girlfriend Claire and was tasked with putting them to bed. They had picked out "Hansel and Gretel" for the story.]

Kit: "So Hansen and Gretel returned home, and lived happily ever after". (*she closes the book*) Wow, that was a wild ride...

Dolly: Yup...!

Pearl: (*she turns to Kit*) Are fairy tales true or not true?

Kit: What do you mean by true?

Pearl: Like, did it happen for real life?

Kit: Uh, nope.

Pearl: Phew!

Kit: But they have true things in them.

Pearl: Like what?

Kit: Like, y'know, it's not good to be greedy and stuff, and if you're brave and honest, things will work out.

Pearl: Oh, yeah.

Kit: (*she leans in with a grin*) Hey, you want to hear a fairy tale that is true?

Dolly and Pearl: Yes, please!

Kit: (*she lays down on Pearls' bed, tossing the book on the floor*) It's about a mean sibling who ends up good and it's got a curse in it, and even a princess!

Pearl: Wow!

Dolly: And it happened for real life?

Kit: Yeah, you know how I know?

Dolly and Pearl: How?

Kit: 'Cause it happened to me!

Dolly and Pearl: Woah!

[Cut to a flashback of the 80s. We open to a caravan park with beach houses.]

Kit: This story is set a long long time ago, in a place called The 80s.

[Kit, 10-years-old at the time, can be seen riding a bike. Her hair is short and she's wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The camera then zooms out to show Lips and Duncan also on bikes. Lips, 15-years-old, is starting to grow his goatee and is in a tank top and shorts as well. Duncan, 6-years-old, has a mullet with a t-shirt and swim trunks.]

Kit: That's me when I was 10 years old, on holiday with your dad and Uncle Duncan.

[Cut to the present day]

Pearl: Hang on, where was aunt Celeste?

Kit: She was only 1 year old, still a little baby.

Dolly: And where's your helmet?

Kit: It was The 80's, kid. There were no helmets! It was a wild place...!

[Cut back to flashback. We go through many things that were big in The 80's as Kit narrates about them.]

Kit: Trampoline had no nets, your ma wrote your name on everything, BMX seats were high, music was on cassettes, and skids were big.

[We then see Kit skidding with her bike, dust rising and falling from the ground. Lips doing the same right after.]

Past Kit: Woah, good skid, Lipton!

[Duncan tries to skid, but what comes out is a screeching sound., Not even a mark in the dirt was made.]

Past Kit: You can't skid, Duncan!

Past Duncan: Yes I can!

Past Kit: No you can't! And ma wants you! (*she points offscreen*)

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