(S:3 Ep: 31) Onesies

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[The camera starts outside the house. Crazy Harry is walking to the front steps, looking nervous as he does so. There's a backpack slung over his shoulders, his hair is somewhat combed out, and he's fiddling with the straps.]

Harry: (*he inhales and then sighs*) It's all good, Harry. It- It's all good...

[The camera cuts to Dolly, Pearl, and Darrow dancing in the living room. Darrow is teaching the girls to dance.]

Darrow: So, then, I think your hips go around like... This. (*he shows the moves to the girls and smiles as they copy him*) Yeah, that's great!

Dolly & Pearl: (*both giggle in delight*)

Darrow: (*he continues to dance as the girls mirror his movements*) Me and my buddy Harry made this dance up for our friend's birthday when we were on the Up Late with Miss Piggy set. Then it became a party trick after the show. I don't really remember all the moves though...

[The doorbell rings, alerting all three of Harry's arrival and they stop dancing.]

Dolly & Pearl: (*they both gasp and smile at each other*) That's him!

[Dolly and Pearl run to the front door and answer it with big smiles while Darrow walks behind them. Harry looks at the girls and smiles somewhat normally so as to not scare them off.]

Harry: (*he sheepishly waves at the kids*) Hi, girls.

Dolly & Pearl: Hi!

Darrow: (*he catches up and greets Harry with open arms*) Harry...!

Harry: (*he smiles wider and accepts the incoming hug*) Hi, Darrow.

Darrow: It's good to see you.

Harry: Yeah, you too.

Darrow: (*they separate and he steps back to introduce the girls*) Kids, this is your Uncle Harry.

Harry: (*he turns his attention to the girls and giggles*) Wow, you've grown so much! (*he kneels down and looks at Dolly*) Dolly, you look just like your dad.

Dolly: (*her shoulders slouch, disappointed at the comparison. This causes Harry to snicker silently*) Oh, what?

Pearl: (*she walks up to Harry next*) Who do I look like?

Harry: You look.. Kinda like your Pop...! (*he then looks up at Darrow for a comparison*)

Darrow: (*he smiles softly*)

Harry: (*he pauses briefly before slinging his backpack to the floor and unzipping it*) Uh, Lew- Er, I brought you some presents! (*he looks through his backpack, shuffling a few things around*) Somewhere in here...

Dolly & Pearl: (*both become excited and try to peek*) Really!?

Darrow: What? Harry, you shouldn't have!

[Harry pulls out two boxes and hands them to the girls. Both contain animal themed onesies, a cheetah and a zebra.]

Dolly & Pearl: Onesies!!! (*both take a box and run inside with delight, squealing*)

Darrow: (*he watches the girls run in, looking slightly terrified*) Oh, you really shouldn't have...

Harry: (*he zips up his backpack and looks up*) What, do they not like onesies?

Darrow: Oh, no, they do! Really! It's just.. Pearl has this, uh, thing? (*he glances inside for a moment*) Um... Don't worry, I'm sure she's grown out of it...

Harry: I hope they fit. Kinda wasn't really sure how much they've grown in... Um...

Darrow: (*he rubs his neck*) Four-ish years...

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