On the Road

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At the crack of dawn, Lady Alys and Lady Rhoslyn awake to their lady's maids shaking their shoulders.

Lady Alys sighs and swings her legs over the side of her mattress. She lets them dangle for a brief moment before making herself stand. Her nightgown lifts above her ankles as she stretches. Then she nods to Cadwyn, her lady's maid.

With the help of Cadwyn, Lady Alys gets ready for the start of her journey. The young lady dawns her usual green shirt, dark brown trousers, boots and purple cape. In addition to her usual attire, she slides her sword belt and sheath on.

While dressing, Lady Alys goes over her mental checklist. Packed clothes? Check. Sharpened sword and dagger? Check. Packed whetstone? Check. Bedroll? Check. Pillow? Check. Flint and steel? Check. Water skin? Check. Soap? Check. Towel? Check. Comb? Check. Extra cape? Check.

At the end of her mental list, Lady Alys reaches for her necklace on her bedside table. The one with Sir Gawain's ring attached. She fastens it around her neck and grabs her packed bag—time to eat.

Downstairs, Lady Rhoslyn is also preparing for the day. Albeit a little slower than her sister.

With the help of her lady's maid, Diana, Lady Rhoslyn gets dressed. The lady doesn't make it easy with her pacing. But Diana manages to get it done—a pair of hidden brown trousers in exchange for Lady Rhoslyn's usual dress. But the lady does keep to the pink theme. Her shirt, made for Lady Alys, was dyed pink and given to Lady Rhoslyn.

The two ladies meet up downstairs. They greet each other and sit at the long table in the middle of the apartment. Fruit, sausages, toast and tea are put out. All the ladies have to do is pick what they want and eat.

Two plates have already been used. Not an unusual occurrence in the Du Lac household.

Galahad has duties to attend to early in the morning, and Sir Lancelot is an early riser. The squire is usually up as the sun rises to eat and wake Sir Bedivere. The twins, on the other hand, rise later. Master Merlin is not an early riser and likes to pull all-nighters working. Lady Rhoslyn doesn't need to arrive at a precise time but usually aims for nine in the morning.

Lady Alys tends to rise when her sister does. She may not have a master or knight to attend to, but she does use her spare time to spar with any willing knight or trainee.

The young ladies easily select what they want to break their fast and fill their plates to the brim. They know that they will not be eating this well on the road. They've travelled to Anglia to visit the sea, and it's safe to say the food on the way was less than stellar.

After eating their fill, the twin ladies grab their bags and make their way to the courtyard. The walk is long enough that they are able to strike up a conversation about the seaside cottage they stayed in when they were in Anglia.

"I'm telling you, the curtains were blue,"

"No, they were green, the colours of Anglia,"

"Anglia's colours are blue, red and white and gold. I remember because you held your cape to the drapes and said, and I quote, 'Look, Alys, I'm matching,'"

"Oh right,"

Lady Alys nods.

At the courtyard, Sirs Gawain, Bedivere and Percival have arrived. The younger knights stand with their horses. At the same time, Sir Bedivere stands by his horse a little ways away. He was talking with Sir Lancelot, but their conversation ended when the Seneschal said sending Galahad in his stead was his choice, and the King agreed.

Lady Alys runs over to her horse and takes him from the stable hand. Lady Rhoslyn quickly follows but with some taste, not haste.

Across from Sir Bedivere, Galahad and Gaheris stand with Sir Lancelot. Both squires hold their horses in line. Galahad keeps to himself as his father gives him the low down of what it means to take his place.

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