Chapter 15: First Fight

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Story: Little Dragon

Authors Note: Unoriginal title aside I am pretty happy with this chapter! I had planned for it to include not only the first flying lesson and such but also Halloween but... Well, what can I say? My muse got away from me. ~shrugs~ Oh well, that's only good news for you all my dears! Not to mention that my muse if feeling oddly fluffy lately...

In other news I have extended the Q&A until further notice! All questions are open and allowed. Ect. Ect. :)

Disclaimer: Muahahaha ~rubs hands evilly in a shadowy corner~ Soon... Soon.

After Charlie's 'warning' Cedric's behavior had changed immensely.

Now, instead of sneaking up behind Harry at random times, which had become much harder since he now refused to take off that bell- oh how Harry was regretting that prank, and trying to get him to study or any number of other activities he had instead taken to following Harry around like some kind of a lost puppy.

Yes, a good portion of the creepiness seemed to have leached out of him but that didn't mean anything when it was instead replaced with some kind of... Pathetic desperation?

Harry couldn't help but feel like this was all wrong. Cedric wasn't supposed to be like this! From what he had heard around the school and in the Den Cedric was always so self assured and strong! The perfect gentleman who all of the girls fawned over and yet...

Here he was following Harry around like a servant or something, insisting on carrying his books and bag, opening doors and refusing to leave him alone. Constantly asking him about who he was taken by, why Harry chose him, when they had gotten together, why it wasn't Cedric himself, if Cedric still stood a chance. It all seemed so wrong!

And Harry was going to figure out exactly what was going on...

The next week on Thursday, one week before Hermione's birthday, was set to be the first flying lesson of the year.

Neville and Hermione were panicked and jittery at the very thought while Harry and Ron watched on in amusement. Harry had already been told not to panic by Charlie. A broom was sort of like a horse, have a healthy respect for it and you'll be fine but let your fear control you and nothing good will come from the encounter.

So here they were, standing on the plush grounds between the castle and the forbidden forest as the gentle breeze ruffled their hair as it swept passed.

Their flying instructor, Madame Hooch, was a rather tall and thin woman with short grey hair and golden eyes that gave the distinct impression of a hawk.

"Well?" She asked impatiently as no one made a move towards the two lines of brooms laid out before her. "What are you lot waiting for? Everyone stand by a broomstick, wand hand over the broom itself. Hurry up."

Quickly the students moved forward and stood, most of them with their brooms to the right, though some like Mary stood to the left.

Harry looked around at the brooms and saw just what the twins had been complaining about before. These brooms were in horrible condition, not a single one of them had escaped unscathed. The best looking of the lot had only a few random twigs sticking out at odd angles though Justin seemed to be the most unlucky of the lot seeing as his looked as though one strong gust of wind would tear it apart.

"Hold your wand hand over the broom and say firmly 'UP!' then wait for further instructions," She stated simply as her eyes ran over their rows, it didn't fail Harry's notice that her eyes lingered on Justin's broom as the slight sneer that crossed her stern features.

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