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"I told you already, the duke is busy. Go away now," annoyed, the substitute secretary of Anthony; Duncan Pussett shoo-ed Lottie away again.

"But he's been staying--"

"Augh seriously. I have a lot of work to do! Just play with your toys or something! Tsk, such annoying kid," not even contented with chasing her away disrespectfully, he had even the guts to murmur that even Lottie could hear before entering her father's office and closing the door to her face.

The wooden door almost hit her nose, but she jumped back.

"Freaking! That almost flattened my nose! This is the only time I had a pointy one, you know! Sheez." She touched her lovely small yet pointy nose with sour look on her face. Duncan the secretary was not the only one annoyed, even Lottie was irritated after countless rejections in one week time.

"Is it really too much to ask to see my father?" Still angry but she walked away from there defeated. Whether she liked it or not, she won't see Anthony today like yesterday and the other day and the day before that except mealtimes but he left as fast as he entered.

"I couldn't even show my cuteness..." Lottie sighed and decided to return to her room. As she made her way back, she heard one of the maids talking to each other at the other direction of the hallway.

"You're going to meet later?" a maid with dirty blonde hair asked in shocked and the other maid with brown hair nodded shyly.

"Today is not your day off. You cannot leave the manor. Wait, don't tell me you are going to do it... here!?" she asked again but whispered the last words. Carefully not letting other people hear, but they were too bad at it because Lottie heard.

The brown-haired maid fidgeted while maintaining her embarrassed smile. "He said risks...keep the relationship exciting..."

"You daring, daring girl!" the blonde maid squealed as she hit the other maid.

"Waah, even maids have romantic relationship these days. I am so jealous." Lottie said with dead eyes, clearly remembering how she died with no boyfriend at all since birth because she was busy surviving from hell hole in her past life.

Lottie didn't finish the conversation and just continued her walk back to her room bigger than her apartment in the Philippines.

Upon entering her own room, she sauntered towards her bed and carefully lifted the bed mattress and took a small diary inside before putting the bed back to its former position. Next, she opened the small glass door of her room that led to a small balcony surrounded by a few tall trees, yet sun rays still slipped through giving it a warm ambiance.

Lottie sat down on the chair, opened her diary and took a metal fountain pen squeezed between the pages.

"Still no progress today," she recorded the progress between her and her father.

"This is actually harder than I anticipated. Everyone here is against me, not mentioning the fact my dad is probably didn't want to be close to me like in the book."

She put her chin on her palm as her elbow rested on top of the table, thinking about how she underestimated the situation.

Lottie thought if she just pushed through, she would get her desired results like how she ended up in front of Anthony's carriage unexpectedly, but it seems like she's wrong. The event where she ended up in front of his carriage was not the result of her willpower but based on unproven theory of hers which the book events were going to happen regardless of her intervention or not, like how she was not the timid Lottie anymore, but Anthony was still distant to her, and the servants treated her with disrespect like in the novel.

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