Malibu Beach

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Then we both went for his gorgeous car and sat in it and then the driver began to drive for the location god knows where. I was pretty surprised by Ken's behaviour 'cause, before this, he had never been flirty with me, and I often felt like something tremendous was gonna happen today with me. Ken was looking new today, I can reckon that something is going on in his mind. I've never seen him before like this. He was smiling while being lost in his deep thoughts, It looked weird but I avoided it.

Jesus Christ!

Why does she look so good, man? That silk cloth on her body drove me crazy, such a desirable body she got. Oh my, save me! Love, don't do that. If she'll keep starting me like that then I won't be able to admit that I felt for her. All these thoughts were in my mind when I suddenly realised that day when I felt for her. I met her for the first time at University. It was another regular day at my university when I saw her entering the class, a cute girl with a smiling face, her single smile was enough to melt any guy's heart in a second, she was stepping in while bouncing and enjoying herself.

I was a backbencher and I was sleeping on my bench that day while bowing my head down when my bench partner padded my shoulder to tell me that we have a new student in our class. I looked up and glimpsed at the student and I found a gorgeous girl with a lovely smile from that moment I felt for her and I'm still falling for her. I'm falling harder day by day for her. I'm just crazy for her. That's how I felt for her. coming back to the present, soon our car arrived at the place where the other gift was waiting for her.

I came out of the car and opened the gate for her. Then I offered my hand to get her out of the car as I gave my hand to her she peeked over me with enchanted eyes, and soon she came out of it while grabbing my hand. Then I told her to close her eyes, and she nodded to my words and closed her eyes then I covered her eyes with a red silk cloth and then by grabbing her hand I proceeded with her towards the location which is one of her favourite spots to visit. That place was "Malibu Beach".

Then soon we arrived at the beach, it was already nighttime when we attained it, and also I made some decorations on that beach for her. Soon we obtained the site where I'm gonna propose to her.

We stood in front of the spot and I removed her sleep mask then she slowly opened her eyes and peeked everywhere and realised the location she got that she was on Malibu Beach which is one of her favourite beaches.

She was looking everywhere surprisingly when she asked, this entire decoration just for me? I nodded to her 'cause I was so anxious thinking about how should I tell her about my feelings, she was often asking me questions and I was just nodding at her, that I decided that I was gonna confess my feelings, then I prepared myself by taking a deep breath, she was about to ask something when I placed my finger on her lips and told, don't ask anything just listen to me.

She nodded at my words by staring into my eyes while being amazed, I was about to confess when I got lost in her stare, I removed my finger from her lips while begging her not to stare at me like that,

Oh dear I-I can't, Okay okay let's do this. I grabbed her hand took her under the setup and couched her on the cushion I sat in front of her holding her both hands into mine and began to confess my feelings, I started by explaining,

"Look, we've known each other since we were at University, right?" She nodded at this statement, "And we understand each other very well like we don't need to communicate to get what's going on another's mind."

She, "Oh Ken! Can't you say clearly? Why are you so nervous it's me, what's wrong with you? Why are you behaving so weird today, I'm noticing you since morning, what's going on with you?"

"Ellie, I can't imagine my life without you because I love you so much, Will you be mine forever!?"

I mumbled instantly in a faded voice by bowing my head down while cutting her words. She widened her eyes, got reddish and asked me with the same expression, "Ken I..?" I nodded while looking into her eyes when she got speechless and a couple of minutes later she slowly reached to my ear and mumbled, "Ken, I'm always yours!"

"Really?" I inquired being enchanted. She was blushing so hard while looking down as I inquired she nodded to me with a bowed head. Then I moved close to her face and I lifted her face by my fingertip, she got rosy as fuck as she can't even look over me once.

As he placed his fingertips under my chin to lift my face upside down, my heart was beating as fast as even Ken can also hear my heartbeats. When he lifted my face, I was not able to make eye contact with him somehow I look over his face and saw him smirking at me 'cause I knew he was hella flirty and what will be his next move, I'm damn sure, he was thinking about a kiss.

And as I said he was thinking about the kiss, and here it is, a moment later he trapped me by fixing his hands on both sides and to make the distance between both of us, I began to move backside gradually as I was moving back he began to move closer to me, Now our position was like I was laying and he was top on me.

Then he began to kiss me so passionately and soon our kiss heated up as if I wasn't even able to take a single breath. Then I broke the kiss to take a break but he seemed like he didn't want any kinda break, As I broke the kiss a few seconds later he again started kissing me. Our kiss won a level as if I don't break it, It'll end with a hookup. So, I break the kiss while inquiring to him, "Can we stop here?"

"Why my love, don't you like that?" He implored while moving my hair from my face with his finger.

"No, It's not like that, I mean, I like it. But.."
I mumbled while blushing and avoiding eye contact with him.

"Fine, If you don't want to do it, then we'll stop here." He muttered while gliding his fingers on my cheeks.

"Did I make you upset by this?" I asked.

"Not at all love!", He whispered while kissing my forehead.

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