Chapter 2

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"Hans, from this day forward, you will oversee my eldest son, Cale." The Count, Deruth Henituse said. His hands intertwined on his desk. Deruth is having a difficult time remaining eye contact, he seems nervous. P

The eldest son of Count Henituse, Cale. In the novel [The Birth of a Hero] he is briefly mentioned, just like his deputy butler. He is the child of Deruth and his first wife-her name isn't revealed in the volumes Rok Soo read. But it is mentioned that Cale Henituse got his appearance from his mother.

Cale Henituse is trash. There is no doubt about that. He drinks and drinks. And drinks again. He throws bottles of the most expensive alcohol at others. This leads to others avoiding him like the plague as they do not want to be the next victim.

He also has an unpleasant personality. It will be bothersome to deal with him. However, the Count has always payed handsomely to the damages caused by Cale. If Cale ever throws a bottle at Rok Soo, then at least he can expect a check.

Kim Rok Soo isn't sure what face he is making right now. Considering the way Count looks a bit apologetic, it must not be polite.

Hans is not like Kim Rok Soo, his thoughts are written all over his face. Looks like when he transmigrated into the butler, his ability to remain stoic did not bleed over to this world. A loss.

"Of course, Ron and his son will be accompanying you with your duties." The Count quickly added, "They will guide you. Although someone with your skill shouldn't have much trouble."

Kim Rok Soo manages to suppress a flinch. Ron and his son, Beacrox are the last people he wants to meet. They belong to a fallen assassin household in the Eastern continent.

The Count clears his throat, "I am also willing to hear out any accommodations necessary for you to perform your job well."

Any accommodations? Well, there are a lot of things Kim Rok Soo wants, like a lifetime supply of paid vacation days. However...

"Money." It is rude to address the Count informally but Kim Ro-no, Hans has nothing to lose. Hans doesn't mind if he is fired. He has no attachments to the role of deputy butler or any loyalties. Prison doesn't sound half bad. He won't have any responsibilities then. He could just slack off all day.

"Huh? Yes, your paycheck will be raised in accordance." While the Count seemed surprised, he quickly moved on.

"Thank you, Count. I will serve the young master, Cale, with my best." Hans bows before being dismissed by the Count.

As he exits, he comes across the plain looking June. Had he been waiting for him the entire time?

Unexpectedly, June grabs Hans by the shoulder, and turns Han's body left and right, inspecting the man. A few moments later, he lets out a relieved sigh. "You don't look like someone who is getting fired."

Hans furrowed his eyebrows. Did people who get fired look a certain way? And would getting fired be the worst thing in the world?

June laughed at his face. Slinging an arm over Han's shoulder which he proceeds to shrug off. "So what did the Count call you for?" He begins to guide them away from the office. He looks nothing like the anxious man who stormed into his room unannounced earlier.

As he recalls what he and the Count discussed, immediately Hans' face falls. Before the corners of his lips pull up into the smallest smile. Taking care of trash will not be an easy task but the promise of money is enough for Hans to put up with it.

June who is staring at him, has no idea what Hans is thinking. To him, it looks like Hans is forcing himself to smile for June. The man with brown hair suddenly feels the need to protect his friend's smile.

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