Chapter 4

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Cale Henituse is trash. His reputation has spread far and wide.

He's nothing more than a disgrace to the Henituse name. All he does is get drunk and pick fights. There's bets on what the Count's final straw is.

People seemed to assume he was born trash. 'Must've been a handful as a child, I pity the Count.' they say. There are those who blame his mother for his misbehavior. 'She must not have taught him well.' Those people get a table thrown at them.

If anyone cared enough to look any deeper, they'll find out he wasn't always trash. Once a kind and intelligent child.

Between his mother's death and his father's remarrying, Cale had started to cultivate his trash facade. At first, it was a desperate attempt at getting his father's attention. Then, his father announced his engagement with Violan. It became a way to protect the newest additions to the Henituse family.

Not to brag but, Cale's trash facade is near perfection. It has bypassed his assassin butler, Ron and his son, Beacrox. Cale has known about their true identities since he was a child. His mother taught him to be observant.

Even if he chose this path for himself, it still hurts when his family avoids his gaze or when the servants flinch.

Cale has never hurt anyone. Except those who have caused a disturbance in the County, like scammers or gangsters. Though he wouldn't say he hurt them. He purposely aimed away, near their feet because he didn't want to raise more problems for his father.

Throughout the years living as trash, Cale has gone through multiple servants. Cale finds it amusing when they run out of the gate with their tails tucked in between their legs. They either resign out of fear or get fired for being neglectful.

Nobody wants to serve the trashy young master. The Count can hire as many people to serve his son, but they will all quit in the end. His father seems to have realized that he'll only lose employees. He stops assigning people to Cale.

Cale doesn't care. Ron and Beacrox are enough. They wouldn't do anything to get themselves fired. Not while they are on the run.

(One night, after tucking Cale into bed, his mother retold her first meeting with Ron and Beacrox. How Ron got on his knees and begged for a position in the estate in front of her and father. "It was obvious the two made an effort to tidy themselves before coming here but with limited resources, there is only so much you can do." Cale has always known Beacrox as a neat freak. To hear that the chief was covered in filth had been surprising. "Beacrox...that boy was out of touch with the world. Something was wrong. The vacant look on his face is not one a child should wear. After seeing that, I couldn't turn them away. I believe I made the right choice that day.")

"Young master-nim."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Just the person I was looking for. Bring me another bottle." Cale waves the empty bottle too close to Ron's face. His face is flushed.

"Young master-nim." Ron repeats, appearing unfazed. The hall is quiet, servants immediately ducking into rooms once they see the young master wandering about, in search of something. Probably his next target. It is because of the quiet hallway, that a gasp from a peeking servant at the end of the hall reaches them. The servant is horrified and in awe at Ron ignoring the young master's request. Ron has gathered a lot of respect for dealing with the Count's trashy son.

"Huh? What are you stalling for? Are you deaf? I said to bring me another bottle!" The corners of Cale's lips pull further down. The empty bottle is dropped in between Ron and Cale. Obviously, the assassin catches it. A few murmurs break out from nosy staff members.

"Huh? And who's that behind you?" Cale makes a show of peeking over Ron's shoulder. He leans forward on the tips of his toes, an eyebrow raised and pointing a finger at the man using Ron as a shield. Of course Cale had noticed him behind Ron the whole time. He's not so dumb to miss the light orange hair, even if people believe otherwise.

The man behind Ron steps aside, allowing Cale to observe him better. He bows at a perfect angle, Cale notices. Not too low or too high. Unlike the rest of the servants who bow to the floor out of fear or those who bow very slightly out of disrespect.

Cale already knew his name before the man introduced himself. His orange hair gives it away. Hans is popular, he seems to be friends with everyone. He never met Hans in person but he heard servants praise his hard work before in passing. Hans is a very skilled butler, or so he heard.

Hans' hair is tied into a ponytail. Cale remembers all his previous maids with long hair out their hair into a tight bun or cut it off to their ears because they were afraid he'll drag them by it. Cale was shocked when he heard a maid and her friend in the hallway say that. People come up with crazy things. Cale walked away before they noticed him.

"I am deputy butler Hans. It is a great pleasure to meet the esteemed young master-nim."

Cale is taken aback at how respectful Hans is. Even to trash. So are the rest of the servants, judging by the round of gasps. Can't they be less obvious?

Ron's presence might have a hand in it. Hans must respect Ron like the other servants. Cale wouldn't be surprised if behind Ron's back, Hans does a 180 in personality.

He also noticed that Hans' body does not shake and his voice does not quiver. How interesting. Is he not afraid?

"The Count has assigned Hans to the young master-nim. The young master should not worry. The deputy butler is a diligent worker." Says Ron, a kind smile decorates his face.

Cale is intrigued when he spots Hans flinch and Ron's eyes glint with amusement.

"...Huh, Ron. I'm going out. Don't look for me." His eyebrow twitches at the murmurs starting up again, no doubt about how rude Cale was to dismiss Hans' presence.

'Don't look for me.' A code Cale uses to let Ron know he's going out drinking. Usually Ron just smiles and tells him to have a safe trip.

Cale wonders what Ron does while Cale's busy drinking and making a fuss. Probably spending time with Beacrox. Afterall, Ron only cares for Beacrox. Cale is a bit jealous.

"This Ron will wait for your return."

How annoying.

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