Chapter 3

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Deputy butler, Hans, has been receiving pitying looks since his meeting with the Count. June had patted his shoulder with a worried glance before he went to continue his tasks. It seems like word has spread that he has been assigned to the eldest young master, Cale.

While Cale Henituse has never injured any of the Henituse staff or lashed at his step family, his reputation blinds the servants from realizing this. Cale has only thrown bottles of alcohol at gangsters, scammers and anyone who tried to disrupt the peace of Henituse territory. If he doesn't have a bottle on hand, he uses furniture. Even so, Cale has just scared them away, the objects never connected.

Rumors of the young master are exaggerated and yet easily believed because of his reputation.

Hans fights the urge to flinch when Ron looks him over. A benign smile plays at the old man's lips, hiding his vicious nature.

As Kim Rok Soo, he read about Ron and his son, Beacrox Molan in the novel 'THE BIRTH OF A HERO'. An assassin and a torturer laying low in the Henituse territory.

Their home had been attacked by a secret organization, leaving them to flee. Ron and Beacrox will later take their revenge on the secret organization when they follow the protagonist, Choi Han.

Hans doesn't want to deal with Choi Han and his companions, especially the Molan duo. Luckily for him he won't have to deal with Ron and Beacrox for long.

It is the 29th day of the 3rd month in the 781st year of the Felix Calendar. Choi Han will be arriving soon to report the destruction of Harris Village that took place yesterday and the Molans will leave with him.

"Sir Ron, I'll be under your care." Hans bowed.

Ron is a highly respected butler in the Henituse house because he does his tasks thoroughly and he handles the trashy young master.

"Hans, follow me." Ron swiftly turns around and begins walking down the hall.

Hans is thankful the deputy butler has long legs to keep up with Ron.

They arrive at the kitchen. Hans assumed they would arrive at Cale's door. Although, the Count did say that Ron and his son will accompany him with his duties regarding Cale.

Hans can't wait for the day when Ron and Beacrox leave.

Inside the kitchen is Ron's son, Beacrox, sharpening the knives. He's as excellent a chef as he is a torturer.

As soon as the door closes, a knife is lodged into the wall right next to Hans causing him to flinch.

"Ho. There's no need to be alarmed." The old man's smile is sharper, and his eyes gleam with something that Hans can't quite place. Ron's hand is on his shoulder, gripping it enough to hurt. Hans winces. "I hope our deputy butler has no intentions of bringing our young master-nim into harm's way. Is that the case?"

"Why would I do something so bothersome?" Hans' face is scrunched up as if he finds something incredibly repulsive. It's true, causing harm to Cale Henituse is asking for a death wish. Hans will do anything to live, even if it means rolling around in horse shit. Even if he is trash, the Count won't just stay still.

Ron seems amused by Hans' reaction. He already knew the deputy butler is an interesting character when he did a background check on all of the servants.

The grip from Hans' shoulder is removed.


Hans was foolish to ever fear his young master, Cale Henituse. He, who used to cower under the young master's gaze and viewed him as someone who would bring Henituse's downfall is now someone who will die for his young master. Hans' loyalty belongs to Cale and what's remaining of the Henituse house.

The war has been raging for the past twenty years. The Henituse County is in ruins.

The first to fall was the young master Basen. Basen Henituse became paralyzed from the waist down after the Plaza Terror Incident. He sported a scar that covered a third of his face. While he didn't meet his end during the terror attack in the Capital, he was kidnapped a couple months later and returned dead with a few missing parts. Hans still weeps for the young boy.

Next was Count Deruth Henituse, who shielded a group of children from a mana bomb seven years later. None of them survived. Hans spotted the blown off head of one of the children when he was sweeping the area, he almost mistook it for Basen. Hans believes the Count saw the resemblance too.

Within the next year, the Countess, Violan Henituse, fell. She had picked up her sword and defended the County with everything she had when the various beastmen came barging in. The Countess put up a good fight but ultimately Her strength was no match for the swarms of bear and lion beastmen. Her teacher had joined her moments later.

The young lady, Lily Henituse followed. She became a shell of herself. Her eyes lost her spark. She practiced her swordsmanship more and more with each loss. There was rarely a time she put down her sword. Despite her rigorous training, she lost. Had it not been her desire for revenge and Cale becoming a pillar for her, she would've withered away sooner.

Expectedly, the next Hans would grieve is Cale. That is, if Cale died before Hans. However, that won't happen.

Supplies are sacred. Hans rather have the young master use it.

"Y-you..." His young master is staring at Hans in disbelief, his eyes becoming wet.

Hans smiles in order to reassure his young master and continues to wrap the young master's wounds. He also obtained some serious injuries but his young master is his priority. They both are aware of that.

"Young master-nim. Live well." Is what Hans tries to say but he isn't sure how much of it Cale understood with all his wheezing.

'Kim Rok Soo. Take care of my young master-nim.'

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