Rules of Wattpad

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* By being compassionate with each other, we are committed to creating new avenues of empathy, care, and respect for others through the power of story.

* Constructive comments are welcomed, as long as they are given in a respectful manner. You may read content that you don't like or agree with, but we are a platform that celebrates diversity, encourages expression, and fosters a safe and creative environment.

* While working to keep our community safer, we try to consider language and context. (This includes language that is of any offensive nature is not encouraged)

* Start by assuming the best about other people. Because it's hard to tell how other people are feeling online, we need to cut them a little extra slack.

* Be polite. What might seem like teasing or joking around online can be taken a lot more seriously if the other person can't hear or see you.

* Before you post something, take a minute to read it over and think about how it might make them feel. Remember that a real person will read it. You might want to add an emoji or a little explanation to make sure you're clear - but remember, adding a winky or "JK" doesn't make it okay to say something mean!

* If something that someone else posts makes you mad, take some time to cool down before you reply. Remember to always take a few seconds to check how you're feeling before replying to anything: just like we can't always tell how other people feel when we're online, we don't always realize when we're mad either.

* Never take sides in other people's fights. There are lots of ways to help when someone's being harassed or bullied, but lining up on one side or another only makes things worse for everybody.

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