Chapter 13 Family Reunion

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After Bucky left, I took the unconscious Steve to the hospital. I left and I drove back to my apartment, and I got James. I told him that everything was done, and I had finally found his home. Me and him took my bike and we drove to his house. I stopped in front of his house, and we got off. James held my hand, and we walked up to his door, and I knocked on it. A minute went by, and we heard the door unlocked and we saw James's father.

James Father: James? Honey, come quick! James here!

James's father hugs him and James gladly accepts it. I smile under my helmet, and I see James's mother and she hugs James.

James's mother: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... Let me look at you.

James's mother looks at James and I see tears go down her face.

James's father: Please, don't leave us again like that, okay?

James's nodded and they all hugged. That's when James's mother looked at me.

James's mother: Your... The Red Hood.

"I am. I found your son on the street, and he told me you two neglected and abused him."

James's father: It's true we did... but when we lost him... We realized what we were doing...

"I'ma leave you with this... If I find out, you are abusing and neglecting him again... There'll be hell to pay."

James ran and he hugged me.

"Goodbye kid."

I left the house and I got on my bike, and I drove off. While driving I was thinking of my family, and I made the hard choice...

3rd POV:

Y/N's family just arrived home with groceries. They enter their home and on a nightstand a picture of Y/N is seen. They put away the groceries and they heard a motorcycle. They look outside and see Red Hood pull up to their house. He gets off his bike and he stare at the house.


I was staring at my old home. A huge wave of memories washed over me, some good, some bad. I take a deep breath and I walk up to my house. I take off my helmet and as I approach the front door the door opens, and I see my dad's shocked face.

Dad: Son?

I do not say anything as my dad hugs me. I do not hug back as memories of abuse and neglect all come back to me. He stopped hugging me and I entered my old home. I see my mother and two siblings shocked faces. My father then joins my mother and siblings.

"What's the matter? Lost for words? I expected more... I'm hurt."

Dad: Son, we're sorry.

"Oh, you're sorry? For what may I ask? The abuse? The neglected?"

Mom: I know what we did was wrong-

"When did you realize that?"

Mom: When you ran away... but we can fix this.

"There's nothing to fix. I still have scars from when you two beat the absolute crap out of me... And do I even need to mention the crowbar?"

Dad: Please, son-

"I'm not your son. Your son has been gone for four years. You lost him the day he escaped this hell hole."

Mom: Y/N...

"What? Are you going to give me an emotional speech of how sorry you are? Cause if you are saving your breath. Do you have any idea what I've been through when I was here."

I looked at my two siblings.

"Those two always blamed me for their problems like that time I broke that vase. They decided to pin it on me, and I was slapped across the face and locked in my room!"

Sister: We're sorry.

"Sorry ain't going to fix all the trauma, scars and bruises, is it?"

Brother: Y/N please let's just-

"Just what? Come back here and be your punching bag again? No thanks. I've come here to set the record straight. You four have abused and neglected me for God knows how long! I've had scars all over my body and the crowbar didn't help! You two always blame me for your mistakes and I get beaten EVERYDAY... Even after all that... Part of me has forgiven you..."

I tried my hardest to hold back my tears. I saw my family close to tears and I sighed as I turned around to leave. I was about to open the door when my dad said,

Dad: Will you ever forgive us fully?

I did not look at them and all I said was,

"Maybe sometime in the near future but... not anytime soon."

I walked out of the house, and I put on my helmet, and I got on my bike and drove off... 


 At an underground HYDRA lab Baron Wolfgang von Strucker is talking with a HYDRA scientist.

Baron: Everything he knows about.

List: Herr Strucker, if they get word of our work here, if they find out we serve HYDRA...

Baron: HYDRA, SHIELD, two sides of a coin that's no longer currency.

They walk over to the corner of the lab where Loki's scepter is being kept.

Baron: What we have is worth more than any of them ever knew. We've only scratched the surface and already...

They start walking out of the lab and they reach a glass cell.

Baron: There are other facilities doing HYDRA's good work around the world. We'll feed them to Captain America and his colorful friends. Keep them off our scent.

List: What about the volunteers?

Baron: The dead will be buried so deep their own ghosts won't be able to find them.

List: And the survivors?

Baron: The twins.

The twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, aka Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, being kept in glass cells each exhibiting their powers, Pietro having superhuman speed and Wanda having telekinetic powers.

Baron: Sooner or later they will meet the twins. It's not a world of spies anymore, not even a world of heroes. This is the age of miracles, doctor. There's nothing more horrifying than a miracle...

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