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"She was attacked last night and is badly injured due to multiple stab wounds all over her." I walked alongside my partner before walking into the hospital the victim was currently in.

"Hi, I'm looking for a patient named Tara Carpenter. May I know what room number she is in?" The receptionist looked through the list on the computer, and soon enough she found the room number and gave it to us.

We walked past many rooms and made it to the floor she was on. "Alright, I'll ask her a few questions about what happened and you can make sure no one comes in. Got it?" My partner Deputy Vinson gave me a quick nod.

"Yes ma'am."

I slowly opened the door to find the room almost full of many visitors including Tara. As I walked in everyone got quiet and turned to look at me.

"Hello, I'm Deputy Riley with the Woodsboro Police Department, I am here to ask Tara Carpenter a few questions about yesterday's incident." I looked over at Tara who looked like she had been through literal hell.

"Only if it's okay with you, Tara." Before Tara could even answer I got interrupted by someone standing in front of me, no longer being able to see Tara.

"She needs to rest right now so right now is not a good time."

"And who might you be?" I questioned.

"Samantha Carpenter, her sister."

"Tara, would you like me to leave and we can talk later or would you like me to stay and talk at this very moment?" Both Samantha and I held eye contact as I had asked Tara the question.

Tara looked at Samantha before looking at me. "I'm fine.. so you can stay and ask me anything you may need."

"Your sister may stay if she would like to." This gave the rest the hint to leave the room. As everyone proceeded to leave the room. I walked over and stood right beside Tara's bed. Samantha had sat down on the opposite side of me.

"Tara, you can tell me anything you feel comfortable sharing with me." I took out my small notebook and a pen. A few seconds passed by and the only thing that was heard was the click of my pen and our breathing.

That's when Tara started sobbing as she repeated "I was so scared." Samantha immediately sat next to Tara and placed her hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

I knew I wasn't going to get any information from Tara anytime soon so I put my notebook and pen back in one of the pockets.

"I can come back later."

The only response I got was a nod from Samantha. Before I left the room I told them I would be just outside if they needed anything.

I stood next to the door for several hours to the point I had to put my hands on my duty belt and lean back on the wall. The sound of Tara's room door slowly opened to reveal her sister coming out. I immediately removed my hands from my belt and stood up straight as soon as I saw her.


"Deputy Riley."

It was a bit awkward I would say due to the silence we were currently in.

"I'm going to be right back, just wanted to go get something to eat." She motioned with her hand to a room where the vending machines were or I guess a place for people who want to eat or chat.

"Would you like me to come with you?" I started to walk beside her.

She blocked me with her arm to keep me from walking.

"It's just right there, I'll be fine." I went back to my post and let out a deep breath as I watched Samantha get farther away from where I was.

It had been a bit too long for someone to just get a couple of snacks, but I waited a few more minutes until I heard a scream for help. In an instant, my feet took off to the break room where Samantha had gone into. On my way there I saw Deputy Vinson. "Go back to Tara's room, quickly!" He immediately did what he was told to do.

"Samantha?! Where are y-" I turned a corner and bumped right into her.

"Someone tried to kill me in there!" I held her arms in my hands until she calmed down before letting her go and checked the room, just to see the other side with the door wide open where the killer for sure used to escape.

"Samantha, let's go back to where your sister is." Samantha stayed quiet and held her head down the entire way back.

Sheriff Hicks shortly came to the hospital when Deputy Vinson called her over. Sheriff Hicks went inside along with Tara's friend who came with her.

Deputy Vinson and I finally got chairs to sit on outside of the room.

"Do you think the killer might come after us?" I asked Vinson while leaning my head back and looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm not sure, but I guess we should be careful." He tells me in return for answering my question.

Sheriff Hicks and Samantha walked out together.

"Nice to see you, Deputy Hicks. So many fun memories." I looked up at the two while holding in a chuckle since she just called my boss a Deputy.

"It's Sheriff Hicks. I remember you too and all the trouble you used to cause your family. Your presence here is not helping so maybe when the sun comes up, you and your boyfriend can hit the road and leave it to the people who care about this community." An obvious fake grin appeared on Sheriff Hicks' face before she walked away.

Samantha glanced at me and Vinson who was now on his phone. She walked back into the room with the door halfway open.

"Well, she remains a delight... Would you mind giving us a second? I need to talk to Tara." I heard Samantha telling the three in the room. The door was closed as soon as both Samantha's boyfriend and Tara's friend walked out.

They both looked down at me as they walked by me I thought to myself that maybe one of them could actually be the killer.


A/N: Hiii this is my first scream fanfic and I am excited to write this story since there aren't that many Sam fanfics on here. Thank you for reading the first chapter! Also future chapters will be much longer than this.

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