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A few hours after Sam left. I still couldn't get over how she was leaving with no protection whatsoever for Tara and even for herself.

All I wanted to do is help her and Tara, but with her telling me she was leaving tonight.

I couldn't really stop her from going or say much when she told me she was going to leave this town.

Yet I knew that no matter where Sam and Tara went ghostface would follow them until they are both killed by their own hands.

It had me thinking that they could be in danger at this very moment.

I jumped from my seat when I heard the very unexpected ringing of my phone. It showed with the name of 'Sidney Prescott.' shining brightly from the screen.

"Jeez that scared the shit out of me." I closed my eyes tightly before opening them and answering the phone.

"Hey Sid. What's going on?"

"Ghostface. Ghostfaces... I'm not sure how many there are, but they are back. Get down to Stu Machers old house right now, Eden."

"Can you tell me who's in that house?" I talked calmly to be able to keep Sidney calm who was on the other side of the phone.

"All I know is that Sam is in there along with Tara and Richie, someone led them here on purpose."

"I'm on my way. Do not go into that house."

"Gale and I are armed we will be okay going inside." Sidney quickly informed me.

"What?! No! Did you not listen to what I just said? Sidn-" She hanged up the phone. She never listens to what I have to say. Rushing down to my basement, I put on my bulletproof vest over my white t-shirt I already had on.

My eyes made it's way to the ghostface costume that was hanged up right next to my deputy uniform. My hand went across the ghostface costume as I stared at it with a smirk on my face.

I think it's time to finally put this on.

Grabbing it and immediately throwing it over what I had on with the mask in my left hand and my right hand was holding a knife.

I went upstairs and sprinted outside to my car and drove over to the house apparently ghostfaces love so god damn much.

As I got near the house pulling over behind the car Gale and Sidney drove here, a few screams were already heard from inside the house.

"Holy. Shit. Balls." I took a couple deep breaths. This will definitely be a night to remember for all of us here.

I entered as stealthy as I could inside the house hoping they wouldn't hear me coming in. I looked around the house to see if anyone was near me or coming in my direction.

A few voices were coming from the kitchen making me halt in my footsteps behind a wall.

"Now how am I going to get that dumbass police friend of yours to come here?" My eyebrows furrowed when noticing who's voice that belonged to. I knew that from the moment I saw Richie that he was not a good person at all. Who in the right mind watches Stab movies when their girlfriend and their girlfriend's sister was being attacked, nearly killed.

Only Richie.

"She's not going to be coming here." Sam had told Richie.

"She will. She's probably on her way right now, Sam." He replies back with.

I came out and revealed myself to everyone that stood in the kitchen. The only thing that was different about me was me currently having the Ghostface outfit on and even the mask over my face now.

protecting you  || 𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin