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I was the only one still here because Deputy Vinson had left to finish something else he had to do for Sheriff Hicks.

Meanwhile, Samantha was still in the room. Samantha's boyfriend, whose name I recently learned was Richie, I had a conversation with him, and I don't know if it was just me, but something about him just did not seem right. He just looked okay with all of this happening, maybe too calm. Especially right after the killer with the ghostface mask just appeared a while ago and attacked Samantha.

Once Samantha left the room, I had no idea what happened with Samantha and Tara; it was like they had a disagreement with each other since she came out crying.

The moment I was going to say something, Richie stopped me from doing so since he had already made himself present to Samantha.

"I'll leave you guys alone."


It was now the next day.

My day off at work was today. I took this time to go visit my brother Dewey early in the morning.

The area he currently lives in was really quiet, and nothing really was going on here. It was a lonely place.

Maybe just like my brother is right now.


All alone.


That was what I honestly feared most in life. Being left all alone and absolutely no one being there for you at your worst...

"Hey Dewey!" I knocked—no, technically, I pounded really hard on his door, almost as if I was trying to break it down. He at last came to the door, opening it widely, knowing it was me because of the way I had knocked.

I walked inside and sat down on his couch in his really small living room. My brother followed behind and sat right next to me.

The TV was on, with Gale Weathers on the screen.

"You still watch her? You're still not over her?! I knew it!"

"Eden, I am very much over her!"

"Yeah sure." I rolled my eyes at him before someone repeatedly knocked on the door, making Dewey spill his coffee on himself and some on my hand.

"Holy fuck, that's hot!" I shook my hand and took the cup away from him, setting it down on the table. He stood up and quickly cleaned up his mess.

"Go away!" Dewey told the unknown person behind the door.

"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Riley! We just want to ask you a few questions." That voice was familiar, but I couldn't quite figure out who it was.

"I don't give interviews."

"We're not looking for an interview."

"Give me one good reason why I should talk to you." Dewey was now at the door, looking out the tiny window.

"I'm Billy Loomis' daughter. " She told him, and he finally opened the door to see them fully.

"You know that's a terrible reason for me to talk to you." Dewey told them.

"Billy Loomis's daughter? He had a daughter?! Dewey, who is it?" I questioned and headed towards the door, peeking over Dewey's shoulder, revealing the one and only Samantha Carpenter.

"My name is Samantha Carpenter. I was attacked last night at the hospital. The night before that, my sister was stabbed seven times. I know you know what that's like. I'm just trying to protect my family. Five minutes. That's all I'm asking." She gave him a really brief explanation of the events that happened the previous night.

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