Episode Two

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Ronke and Abigail are at the fellowship venue. They always try to get there 45mins earlier than the starting time so that they can join in cleaning the hall.When they got there, they found out that someone had started cleaning.

Abigail: Good evening, sister

New girl: Good evening

Ronke:This is the first time I would see your face.May we know you?

New girl:My name is Shola.I am a 100 level student of marketing.

Ronke and Abigail: Nice to meet you.

Shola:Same here

Abigail: Who told you about our fellowship and the venue.

Shola:I am a member of the mother church from home so I made enquiries when I arrived.It was after I started working in God's vineyard back at home that I got this admission.

Ronke:Wow! God bless you.I like your motivation

Abigail: Glory be to God.

It got close to the time the fellowship would begin and other people had started coming into the hall.Some came straight from lecture hall while some had gone home to freshen up.

Sister Chioma led the chorus session today and as usual, it was spirit-filled.Then came time for the message and the G.C charismatic Br. Tunji climbs up the stage.

Br Tunji:Praise the Lord!

Congregation: Hallelujah!

Br. Tunji:Brethren, Praise the Lord!

Congregation: Hallelujah!

Br Tunji:If you are happy to be in the presence of the Lord today.If you are happy to be alive. Jump up and praise the Lord!

Congregation: (people jumping) Hallelujah

Br Tunji: Amen. You can now sit down.Let us pray.Heavenly father, we your children, your chosen ones have gathered together again to hear from you.Lord,as you speak to us open our ears and hearts to receive from you in Jesus name we pray.Amen.

Congregation: Amen.

Br Tunji: Our topic for today is ''Lovest thou me more than these" and our text will be taken from Jh.21:15-17.
Here Jesus had been crucified and buried. So,the disciples were without a leader and Peter decided to take up the leadership position and rightfully so, because Jesus gave him the name Peter,his initial name was Simon (Mk.3:16).In Matt. 16:18 :Jesus said "Thou art Peter ( meaning little rock ) and upon this rock I shall build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".
So,Peter wasn't wrong in taking up the leadership role but he had misplaced priority. Instead of leading others to fish for men,he led them to fish for mere fishes. You see,there is a problem when a leader has misplaced priority. What he would be doing may look very similar to the right thing but if you look closely there is a difference between fishers of men and fishers of fishes.
Br Tunji: Say after me " I will not have a leader with misplaced priority "

Congregation repeats

Br Tunji: while they were fishing, Jesus came but because they had lost focus ,they couldn't see that it was Jesus.
Say after me "I will not lose focus on you,Jesus"

Congregation repeats.



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