The Helpmeet Episode Three

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The Helpmeet

Episode Three
Br. Tunji: After they had confirmed that it was Jesus.He began to guide them back towards the right direction.That is why in Jh.21:15-17         Jesus asked Peter the question he is asking you this evening:
“Lovest thou me more than these”
“Lovest thou me more than your stomach”
“Lovest thou me more than fashion”
“What will be your response this evening? If it’s Yes.Then feed his sheep and his lamp”
“When last did you preach the word of God”
“When last did you do morning cry”
“When last did you do bus evangelism or prison or hospital evangelism”
“Are you burning for God?.Stand up now and start praying”
Everyone stood up and went deep into prayers
After the fellowship ended and the workers had finished meeting, they all went home.
Abigail and Ronke were on their way home when they overheard the discussion between two of their fellowship sisters.Sister Abike and Sister Bola.
Sister Abike:The ministration today was powerful
Sister Bola:Yes oh, my dear.
Sister Abike:Br Tunji was just on fire.I already told God what I want.Afterall, His word says “The desires of the righteous shall be granted him”
Sister Bola:Yes, provided it is according to his will.
Sister Abike:Ah! it’s according to the will of God oh.How can my desire to be Br. Tunji’s wife not be according to God’s will.
Sister Bola:Ah! Sister Abike, what are you saying?I am not in support of this o! Have you prayed about it?

Sister Abike:Did I tell you I needed your support? And how many prayers would I pray? I can just see myself beside him when he becomes a hotshot pastor.He is my Mr. Right.
Sister Bola:(in a low voice) It’s not only Mr Right, it’s Mr Wrong.
Sister Abike:Eh! What did you say?
Sister Bola:Nevermind
Abigail and Ronke got to the junction that leads to their hostel so they turned while the other sisters continued on the pathway.When they got to their room, they began discussing the matter.
Abigail:Did you hear what Sister Abike was saying?
Ronke:My dear, I heard o.
Abigail:I almost didn’t believe.I had to stylishly turn to look at them in order to make sure I wasn’t making a wrong assumption about them being from our fellowship
Ronke:It’s like that sometimes.The church is not a gathering of perfect people but we sometimes mistake it to be.Instead it’s a gathering of mixed multitude.Remember when the children of Isreal left Egypt,they didn’t come out alone but they left as mixed multitude.
Abigail:Hmn.Yeah, it’s true.
Ronke:So, don’t be surprised when you see someone in the fellowship doing something that isn’t expected of them.The person may be born again but he hasn’t exposed that area of his life to the work of the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit is still working on the person.It could also be that the person isn’t born again.
Abigail:That’s true. Thank you for making me understand.
Ronke:You’re welcome.



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