The Helpmeet Episode Four

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The Helpmeet                                 
Episode four
Sis. Ronke:Please leave matter for Matthias jare. Come, let’s brainstorm together.
Sis Abigail:On what?
Sis Ronke:I want to start a business but I haven’t decided on which to start.
Sis Abigail:Ok, do you have a dream business?
Sis Ronke:Ofcourse but it’s time consuming so I can’t do it while in school.I want to start with a less stressful one for now.
Sis Abigail:ok, what options are you considering?
Sister Ronke:Recharge card, cosmetics, wears
Sis Abigail:Wears? when you say wears what do you mean?
Sister Ronke:I mean ladies wears like shoes, clothes, bags and undergarments.
Sis.Abigail:You know if you want to sell wears you have to know the current fashion trend so that people will buy
Sis Ronke:Yeah, I know.So, my money won’t get stuck
Sis Abigail: Yes and I can help you sell when you’re not around.
Sis Ronke:Thanks dear
Sis Abigail:You’re welcome.I have always wanted to tell you about a saving platform I discovered but I just kept forgetting, it’s called Piggyvest
Sis Ronke:Piggyvest?
Sis.Abigail:Yes, piggyvest.Remember you said that you wanted to emulate my saving habit.
Sis.Ronke:That’s true
Sis.Abigail:You can use it to save up your capital or to put aside some of your profit for the rainy days.
Sis Ronke:Yes, that’s a very good idea.That’s why I love you ore mi,you’re always bringing good ideas.
Sis Abigail:You’re welcome.There are lots of benefits;some of which is zero bank charges and high interest rates.
Sis Ronke:Really.Please send the link to me.I want to register now.
Sis Abigail:I will do that right away.Here it is: Just click on it or copy and paste to your browser to register.
Sis Ronke:Thanks dear.I am registering right now.Do you know that most alerts I receive these days are debit alerts for bank charges
Sis Abigail:My dear o, it’s not only you.Same thing happened to me when I decided to save in one of the banks.Within a few months #1000 had been deducted as card maintenance fee and bank charges.So, my money reduced while I was expecting it to increase.
Sis Ronke:Ehen
Sis Abigail:Yes o.That’s why when I found out about piggyvest I registered immediately
Sis Ronke:This bank charges is a serious issue.I saw in the news recently that banks would start charging for recharging your phone number on their platform
Sis Abigail:I saw it too.So, I think this recharge card business might also be lucrative.


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