phone case

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tw : sh

as i walk down the hallway at school i realise that since im hiding my arms no ones paying attention to me,  i realise for first period i have gym. i need to wear my shorts sleeve shirt for that, ill get stares but its okay. im used to stares. 

i take my long sleeve shirt out and sit down where the class is sitting, everyones staring but trying not to make it look like they are, but its obvious they are. " look at her scars, she probably did that to herself " i hear from across the room. i look over at them and look back infront of me. gym finished, and i continued the rest of the day with my long sleeve shirt. 

im walking through the hallway, as i hear someone says " oh yeah you see her? yeah she cuts herself " as they laugh, its a voice i recognize, i look back where i heard the voice, it was my boyfriend. my boyfriend told everyone i cut myself.  i see everyone in the hallway staring at me, i cant take it anymore, the guilt, the embarrassment. 

i run to the closest bathroom i could find. i remember the blades i have in my phonecase. do i really want to relapse? i ask myself. i dont, i put my phone into my pocket so i dont have a stronger urge to cut. instead i breakdown. how could he say that? hes my boyfriend. hes suppost to care for me, be there for me, stick up for me. but no, hes embarrassed to be seen around the " girl who cuts herself "

i skip the rest of my classes breaking down in the bathroom, theres no way i can go into that hallway again. at the end of the day i finally stop crying staring at my red face and puffy eyes in the mirror until a guy comes in, brown hair, beautiful eyes and tall. he says " woah there, whats wrong, your eyes are super puffy "

i tell him that its just something that happened between my boyfriend and i walk away, no ones in the hallway so i can get my stuff and go home. 

as i walk through the door, i bang it loudly, i walk into the kitchen drop my stuff and look at my boyfriend, " oh yeah you see her, she cuts herself? " really alex? i yell at him, that wasnt okay. 

he says " yeah, thats exactly who you are, i had to let the people know who you really are" as he smiles. 

" what the fuck. is wrong with you, you completely embarrassed me in front of all those people, it really hurt you know? im gonna be known as " girl who cuts herself " for the rest of my life. " i yell and explain.

he looks up and down at me and says " what? you gonna go cut yourself now? " 

thats way to far. 

i pack all my stuff and get the fuck out of his house. i yell " fuck you " to him from across the room before i slam the door shut.

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