Chapter One

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Chapter One

Sweat began to run from my forehead. I try so hard to ignore it. I start on fiddling with my fingers. My heart was beating too fast. I'm afraid it might burst any minute now. I could die because of being nervous.

I breathe out a huge sigh before looking up. I waited for the possible impact. I shake my hands to keep away the tingles before closing both of my palms together.

Finally, the opponent served the round ball. As soon as I saw it coming my way, I readied myself. I hit it with both of my wrist, not caring about the pain. I passed it to my right, thankfully the other member caught it.

I saw the ball going to our clumsy member. I closed my eyes, praying she would do great today. I crossed my fingers. When I opened back my eyes, everything was in slow motion. The girls were avoiding the scene, even the crowd, our crowd. The other team were smirking, thinking that they have won the game.

It just happened. I don't even know how. But the whole crowd erupted into cheers. We won!


We won!

The whole crowd was going crazy! Even my team! Ella, the clumsy member, had a shocked expression on her round face. If this wasn't a serious matter, I would laugh at her. But the winning was serious to us. We were jumping up and down for joy.

I caught sight of my family on the other side of the court. I left the team after taking numerous of pictures from our friends and families.

"Emma!" Jay, my annoying brother, shouted, trying to pass through. I silently laughed because people were looking at him as if he's crazy.

"Hey guys!"

I was engulfed in a hug by three bodies. I softly chuckled and hug them back. It was so good to be in their arms. We pulled away, still smiling.

Mom was the first one to speak. "My baby! I'm so proud of you!" she squealed. I smiled at her.

"Yeah sis! You were so good! I wish I had your sporty side!" Kendall, the oldest of the Jones siblings, happily said.

I playfully nudged my sister's shoulders before facing them all. To be honest, I love them all but sometimes they are overreacting when it to comes to me playing. At first, they would demand me to quit because it wasn't good for me.

Ever since I got out of the hospital eight years ago, they've been treating me like a baby. They start to get protective on me. Mom warned me not to go anywhere by myself for four years. And when I go out, I should bring either Kendall or Jay with me.

And as the sweetheart of the family, I understand why they needed to do that. It was for me to take time remembering the past. To take time to remember the little boy who kept appearing in my dreams.

I realized that I was thinking so deep that I forgot about being with my family. I shook out of my thoughts, turning to my family with a smile on my face.

"Shall we?"


Monday came and the news spread fast about Fare View High winning the game. The girls wanted to celebrate this Friday and I can't wait.

"Make way for the Best Friend people!" a shout came from behind me. That familiar voice. Finally!

I turned around and let out a chuckle as I saw what my Best Friend was wearing.

Britt, my Best Friend since third grade, wore a shirt with a design of a half yellow and half green with words written on it saying, "You just got color blinded". On the bottom, she wore this weird jeans. I can't quite describe it but its quite big for her. Her shoes were different. A white converse on her left and a black converse on her right. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a piggy style.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud, waiting for her approach. Once she's in front of me, she pouted, as if thinking that I didn't like her outfit-of-the-day.

She scowled at me and said, "I'm sorry that you're so beautiful and have some sense of style."

"I know what you mean. You're also beautiful and stop comparing yourself to me." I pressed, hoping she would understand me.

Britt is so insecure of herself, that's why she is acting like this. Sometimes she thinks that being pretty is always important. I always remind her that being pretty isn't the first priority but believing in ourselves. But she seems not to mind it.

She frowned, "I know. I know. You've said that a lot of times. But it's the truth." I sigh, not wanting to continue this conversation all over again.

"Anyways, congratulations to you! I knew you would win game!" She happily cheered, forgetting about our conversion two minutes ago. I thanked her and we converse to a different topic. When the bell rang, we said our goodbye's and promised that we would hang out later.

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