Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I don't know why but I see myself young in this dream. Young as in a child. I'm probably five. I was playing on a sandbox and I'm holding this little toy that I think is use for making a sandcastle.

As I look around, I realize I was in a park. The park was familiar. I've passed this through many times when I go to the bakery. I spotted a boy playing on the field with his friends. He kinds of look like Jay. I also spotted a tall girl near me on a bench talking to a girl.

It was Kendall.

I turned back to my sandcastle which look like a wreck. I began to cry. Kendall didn't look my way. It was like, I was invisible.

There was suddenly a shadow above me, covering the sun. I sniffed before looking up. It was a boy. It looks like we have the same age. I couldn't describe his features. I couldn't identify what color his hair is. It was so blur.


His mouth began to move but I couldn't hear a sound. I kept crying.

Then all of a sudden...

He was gone.

The bell rang, snapping me out of my dream. Students began to rush out of the room, leaving me behind. Mrs. Honda, our history teacher, looked at me with disappointment in her eyes. A blush appeared on both of my cheeks. I held tight on my bag before rushing out of the room.

I can't believe I slept the whole period. This was my really first time sleeping in class. What would mom think? Oh god.

I feel so embarrassed.

It had to be the wrong time to sleep and dream. Speaking of the dream, it was always the same. Whenever the boy appears, I couldn't figure out the whole face. This is so hard.

Having amnesia is really frustrating!


"Omg Emma! Have you heard?" Britt appeared not moments later squealing.

We were on the study hall helping out the Juniors for the upcoming Student Council Ceremony. Last Friday, the team were suppose to have a celebration. But Coach Fiona flew to India for a seminar, we decided to cancel it since we wouldn't want to celebrate without her. The whole week I decided to be lazy and just listen to music because I was so damn tired from all the training and practices.

I looked at my Best Friend, confused. "Yes. I've heard whatever you said." I said sarcastically. From that, I earned a pinch from my Best Friend.

"Hey! You know I hate when you do that!" I glared at her, while compiling the paperwork's. She sticked out her tongue and I rolled my eyes at her childishness.

"Whatever. So anyway, there's a new guy in town. Can you believe it? This small town barely gets new people!" She blabbed, her hands in the air, waving.


Not looking at her, I continued to write down the party list. I heard her groaned, causing  me to look up.

"Didn't you hear me? A GUY! And when I mean guy, totally H-O-T!!" God, help me with this girl. How can you ever give me this kind of Best Friend?

"It's just a guy, Britt. It's like you're telling that Justin Bieber is coming to town." I inquired, raising an eyebrow at her. She squealed at the mention of Justin. Honestly, I love his songs but I hate the guy.

"Ugh! Why are you even my best friend?" She groaned, getting a pair of scissors and cutting out small people. I chuckled at her before saying,

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