Episode 34: Second Exhibition Match!

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Ashton was woken up by the intercom. "Would the two trainers Ashton and Jason please head to the Staduim?" The intercom said. Ashton grabbed his hat and bag and walked out of the building and to the main Indigo Plateau building. Ashton walked inside and walked to the gate that lead to the Staduim. When Ashton got to the stadium, it was once again crowded by people.

Ashton walked up the Battle Area and saw his opponent. It was a kid with blond hair and glasses. "Hello! You must be Ashton! I've heard a lot about you!" Jason said with a smile. "Hi. You must be Jason, the person I have to battle," Ashton said. Jason nodded. The judge walked to the stage with his microphone in hand.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the next Exhibition Match. Returning to the stage, we have Ashton! For his opponent, he will battling Jason, a trainer from the Johto Region!" The judge said. "(The Johto Region? Wow!)" Ashton thought.

"Would the contestants please send out their first Pokémon?" The judge asked. Ashton and Jason pulled out a Pokeball and threw it forward. Ashton sent out Kadabra and Jason sent out a humanoid Pokémon that resembled a mime.

 Ashton sent out Kadabra and Jason sent out a humanoid Pokémon that resembled a mime

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"Woah! What type of Pokémon is that?" Ashton asked. "It's a Mr. Mime! He was gift from my mom!" Jason said. "That's cool!" Ashton said.

"Now then! The match may begin now!" The judge said, walking off stage. "Mr. Mime, use Mirror Wall!" Jason shouted. Mr. Mime shot it's hands forward and a wall of light came up. "Kadabra, use Psychic Ball!" Ashton shouted. Kadabra made a ball of pink energy and tossed it at Mr. Mime. The Mirror Wall blocked the attack, leaving Mr. Mime perfectly fine. "Mr. Mime, use Light Gauntlet!" Jason yelled.

Mr. Mime clenched it's fist and a ball of light surrounded its fist. Mr. Mime ran and Kadabra and punched it in the face, sending it flying back. "Kadabra, use Psychic Slam!" Ashton shouted. Kadabra raised its hand and a pink aura surrounded Mr. Mime.

Kadabra shot it's hand up and down, causing Mr. Mime to fly into the air and then crash into the ground. Mr. Mime got up and got into a fighting stance. "Kadabra, use Psychic Ball again!" Ashton shouted. Kadabra made another ball of pink energy and threw it at Mr. Mime. "Mr. Mime, Reflect it with your Light Screen!" Jason shouted. Mr. Mime made an invisible wall and put it in front of itself. The Psychic Ball hit the wall and bounced back to Kadabra.

"Kadabra, send it flying back!" Ashton shouted. Kadabra dodged the incoming Psychic Ball and caught it with telekinesis. It sent it flying at Mr. Mime again, with twice the amount of speed as last time. The ball hit the Light Screen, shattering it completely. The ball hit Mr. Mime in the stomach, making it faint. "Wow! That was a good attack!" Jason said. "Thanks! I had to think quick due to your Mr. Mime reflecting the Psychic Ball," Ashton said.

"Ashton gains the first point! Both trainers, choose a new Pokémon!" The judge said. Ashton and Jason called their Pokémon back to their Pokeballs and pulled out another Pokeball.

Ashton sent out Haunter and Jason sent out a purple Pokémon with blond hair and a red dress.

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