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I was sitting waiting in the parked car with my sisters Amy and Sarah

"He's here!" They both yell jumping out of the car and running over to our cousin Ren
"Mom! Dad!" I said getting out of the car and running after my sisters "Ren's here!"

"Hey! Long time no see" he said putting Amy and Sarah down and giving me a quick hug "hi-ya Rennie boy" I said patting his back

mom and dad go his bags and i helped set up his room, once he was all good and unpacked i left so he could be by himself for a bit, mom said i should do that sometimes to give him his space, i mean i get it his mom did just die

i walked into the kitchen and saw mom getting stuff out for dinner "oh are you making dinner now?" i asked walking up to her

"nah im just getting stuff our for when i start cooking why?" she asked moving some stuff out the way for space on the counter

'ya hungry? you can have a wee snack if ya want" she said gettign something from the fridge

"oh no im good, i was just going to ask if i could go over to wills house for a bit" i said walking over to my bags already knowing the anser

"yeah sure, just make sure you dont come back late alright" she said grabbing a cookie and passing it to me "thanks momma" i said kissing her check and grabbing the cookie

"its alright baby, Oh! and i don't want to be getting any calls asking to stay the night again we got chruch in the morning!"

"yeah alright! thanks love you!" i said walking out the door and over to my bike

i hoped on and started biking down the drive way "say hi to willy!" i hear the girls yell "i will! stay out of trouble you two munchkins" i said smiling back at them and hearing their giggles

"you stay out of trouble to young lady" i hear my dad say "yeah whatever see ya later !" i said laughing and biking down to willards house


once i got to willards house i saw his lovely neighbors Mr and Mrs P

to be honest i actually dont know their last name, willard just told thats what i should call them when we frist meet, he probably doesn't even know himself if you ask me.

"afternoon Mr and Mrs P" i said getting off my bike and walking it to willards gate "afternoon Y/N" Mr P said tipping his hat down towards me

"hello lovely, oh whould you be a dear and give this to Mrs hewitt for me" she said giving me and hand full of freshly cut flowers "of course" i said walking over to the sheard gate they have and taking the flowers out of her hand

"thanks dear" she said gently rubbing the side of my arm then walking away from the gate and over to her husband

"no problem Mrs P" i said back walking up to the Hewitts front door

I did a light knock then opened the door once hearing willards mom say that its unlocked

"Hey honey" Mrs Hewitt said once seeing that it was me "hello" i said walking into the kitchen where she was and grabbing a vase from a cupboard and putting the flowers in it and say "Mrs P asked me to give these to you" walking over to the sink and putting some water in the vase

"oh there wonderful" she said taking the vase out of my hands and putting it on the dinning room table "wills in his room"

"oh thanks" i said walking away and up the stairs, once i got to his door it was closed so i knoced "willy?" i said opening his door and walk in to no sight of willrad

"willrad?' i said a bit louder than before "shower!" i hearded from his bathroom "alright i'll be in the kitchen with your mom then" i said back "i'll be down in like a minute' he said poking his head out of his bathroom door

"alright willy boy" i said trowing him a thumbs up and walking out his door smiling hearing him laugh at the name i gave him when we were six


willard finally came downtairs and into the kitchen where me and his mom where making dinner, "hey Y/NN" he said walking over to me hand wrapping his arms over my sholders to grab some food that me and his mom were making "Willard!" his mom said lightly smacking his arms away

"yeah Willard, get your drity hands out of this lovely meal we have just made for you and your father" i said turning around to face him with a smirk on my face

"what! i just had a shower" he said tapping my hat down my face "hey!" i said putting my hat back on right "didn't you know wearing a hat inside is very disrespectful?" he said trying to wack my hat off my head but i kept moving out of his way before het could wack it off

"get your hat off then" i said wacking his hat off his head and over to his mom and into the dinner she was still making

she turned around to face us with a face that looked annoyed but also trying not to smile

"time to go" willard said picking me up over his shoulder and up to his room

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