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I don't know why but I seemed a bit sad when I saw Willard smile at her, I mean he can smile at her he's allowed to have a girlfriend

No y/n they just smiled at each other it's not like their not getting married, why do I care so much about this anyway?

Thank god I had art to calm me down, I don't know what has gotten into be the past few minutes, whatever it is I don't like it


"Hey are you okay? You seem a bit tenses" Willard ask me has he pulled out of the schools parking lot "yeah I'm fine" I said looking at him then out the window

"So about This party, we actually going to that, I mean ren really wants to go and also I think that we're kinda hitting it off, he's not that bad after all" he said laughing to himself "that's great" I said smiling at him

"So are we actually going?" He ask with a small smile "rusty said she really wants us to come" he said rubbing the back of his neck "did she" I said rolling my eyes then looking outside

"Well we can go, if you'll be my date, plus I already said that we were going" I said looking at him with a smirk

"Of course I'll be your date pretty lady" he said taking my hand and kissing the back of it


(Outfit at the top, or whatever you want,)

Me and Willard and ren got out of the car and started walking inside the diner place, I've only been here once with mom and dad for Sarah's birthday, but now it seems so different

Rusty pov:

Their so cute together, I know they like each other it was obvious but they both didn't know it, to be honest I'm not sure if y/n even know if she like him yet but everyone knows they love each other more then best friends

And I had a plan.

Y/n pov:

"Willard you made it" rusty said running up to us, mm I'm slowly starting to change my mind about how I feel about rusty at the moment

"Hey rusty" he said back at her with big smile, I've never seen him smile like that before

"Hi rusty, sorry we're a bit late" I said moving my head a tiny bit closer to her so she would see me "oh yeah y/n, hey no it's fine" she said to me only glancing at me for a few seconds

Before going back to looking at Willard with at stupid smile she has, omg stop it y/n your being ridiculous

"Y'all hungry?" She said grabbing wills hand and started walking to the counter, I stayed back a bit but then Willard grabbed my hand and pulled me with them

"We gotta stay together" he said in my ear I notice that he had let go of rusty hand it made me smile that he was still holding mine

We all walked outside see as everyone started to dance, Willard has been to many party's I remember all the times he would sneak into my room through the window even though he has a spare key to the house

Partying wasn't really my thing I mean this is only the third party I have been to and invited to

We were still holding hands and I couldn't get the smile off my face, I saw that he couldn't too

I noticed rusty looking at us then started to whisper something to aerial, they then both looked over aerial then nodded her head to rusty as rusty made her way over to us again

"Hey Willy come dance" she said taking his hand that was holding mine ~Willy really~ "oh ughh you know I don't really dance" he said backing away from her "oh well then walk with me?" She said batting her eyelashes at him pathetic

"Umm" he said looking at me then back at her then back to me, for some stupid reason I nodded my head saying it's fine, it's not fine, but I also wanted to know where this would go

"Yeah sure okay" he said still looking at me "great let's go" she said not even acknowledging at I was there and pulling him away


Willard pov:

I couldn't take my eyes off her, she looked so gorgeous tonight as always

I was looking down at her when I felt someone pull my hand away from hers, I looked up at saw rusty

Rusty was actually different lately, it was like she was all over me I guess, I mean don't get me wrong she pretty and all but she's not y/n

And I know I shouldn't say that because I'm never going to be more the a best friend to y/n

So maybe if I tried something with rusty I would get over  y/n even though I don't want to

"So Willard you like y/n huh?" Rusty said with a smirk on her face "what no, I don't know what your talking about" "yes you do everyone knows it, but y/n"

"Ok fine I do" I said taking my hat off my head then fixing it back on "okay what I'm about to say is probably going to be weird but I have a plan to make y/n realise that shes In love with you" she said moving her hands around a lot which made me forget everything she just said

"Huh?" "Are you in love with y/n" she asked me liking me right in the eye which kind of scared me

"Yes" I said with out even thinking "everyone know that y/n loves you too but she just hasn't convince herself enough to believe it" she said looking around to see if anyone was near

"So my plan is that if we pretend to be together it will convince her that she is in love with you" she said smiling to herself seeming proud of her plan

"What no that's not going to work" I said walking around a bit "it will did you see her face with I was doing all those little things with you before" "no" "she was jealous Willard"

"Okay fine" I said putting my hand out for her to shake "but as soon as you know that she is fully convinced we need to break this thing up alright" "deal Willy" she said shaking my hand then Taking my hat and putting it I her head

"Don't call me that, only y/n's get to call me that"


I know in situations like this fake dating they end up liking each other BUT  I promise that won't happen

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