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I was sitting on a seat when I saw Willard and rusty walking back hand in hand

I couldn't take my eyes off their hands I looked up at his face and saw a smile on his face but it almost seemed fake?

"Hey I'm actually going to head home" I said once they got to me "oh ok let's go" he said taking his hand out form hers and into mine

I took my hand away and "no you stay with rusty"

"Yeah baby stay it will be fun" she said taking his arm and putting it around her shoulder "baby?" I said looking into his eyes

"Yeah we-were together-we now" he said we a nervous look on his face

In that very moment I felt my heart break and I finally realised that I was I love with Willard and that another girl has he's heart now

"Tha-ts great guys I'm so happy for you" I said holding back my tears "you are" they both said at the same time

"Yeah but I'm gonna go home now so you two have a good time yeah" I said walking away hearing a slight "do you think it worked?"


I know it's bad guys but I really need ideas if you have any could you please help me I'm trying 🙏🙏😭😭💀💀

Footloose. (Willard.H X reader.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt