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"Look at them honey" - "I am, and I don't really like it" - "oh for heavens sake" I heard mum and dad talking as I slowly woke up

As I opened my eyes I saw mum, dad, Amy and Sarah all run out of my room I smiled to myself and turned over as was meet with Willard he was still asleep so I tried to get out of bed with out waking him

I walked down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was

"Morning" they all said that the same time "sleep well?" Mum said with a smirk I play fully rolled my eyes then Amy and Sarah came running up to me

"Look at this picture we took on our iPad" Amy said as Sarah showed me the picture of what looked like me and  Willard cuddle in my bed

"Look at this picture we took on our iPad" Amy said as Sarah showed me the picture of what looked like me and  Willard cuddle in my bed

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"Y/n's in loveeeeeee" they said that the same time And it made everyone laugh

"Good morning Willard, did you sleep well?" My mum said from the couch with a big smirk on her face

"Yeah really well actually" he said rubbing the back of his neck "I bet" my dad mumbled under his breath

"Will you be staying for breakfast?" Mum asked him as she walked into the kitchen "um no but thank you I have to head home" he said smiling at my mum then looked at me

I walk him to the door and opened it and we both went outside I closed the door behind me "um well I'll see you at school" i said as he puts his shoes on "yeah I'll pick you up normal time" he said wrapping his arms around my waist "okay" I said smiling up at him "okay" he whispered softly

We both started to lean in but then we heard giggling we look back at the door and see Amy and Sarah pecking their heads out of the front door "what are you two giggling about it" mum said coming to the door and closing it but not before wiggling her eyebrows at me then closed the door again

"I should probably get going now" Willard said placing his head onto my neck lightly kissing it then pulled away and looked me in the eye then he took his two fingers and lifted my head up and leaned into me

I melted as our lips touch it felt like it's been ages since I've kissed him but I only kissed him last night and this is only the second kiss we have shared

This kiss feels so lovingly and passionate I feel like I could live in this kiss forever, he pulled away and we where both out of breath "mhmm I could get used to that" he said softly kissing my lips again but then pulled away as my dad open the front door

"That's enough!" He said playfully glaring at Willard "there are children watching" he said with a smile

"Bye" - "bye darling"

I walked back into the house with dad and was meet with mum, Amy, Sarah and ren all looking at me with big smiles on all of there faces "when did that happen" mum said placing her hand on her hips

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