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i walked out of the chruch with mom and the girls, as dad and ren went off talking to people

i could see my dad get a bit cross in the conversation he was in with our chruchs father and my school principal, i dont know want they were talking abot but i knew that i was pissing him off

"higher" amy yelled snapping me out of my thoughts, i looked at her and pushed her higher on the swing she was in "me too'' sarah yelled, to be honest i was struggling to push both of them on the swing

"dont worry im here to save the day" willard said from behind me and went to push sarah "thanks" i said to him and kept pushing amy

i zoned out a bit while pushing amy i looked over to rusty and aerial giggling to each other, i couldn;t help but feel a bit jealous

i mean i've always wanted to have a cloes friend but i do, willrad, but hes a boy not a girl there are something i cant tell him and i want to have a friendship with someone like rusty and aerial

i mean im friends with them but not friends friends i just know them and have a few classes with them, i've hung out them a few times but it just kinda felt like i was following them around

but went i hang out with them with other people its cool, "so what's the plan for today?" i heard a vocie say "huh?' i said looking at willard "what are we doing today" he said again "uh i dont know, what do you wanna do"

"sleep" he said straight way i laughed at him for a bit "same"


the next day was the first day back at school for the week, i don't hate school, just sometimes it can be a real pain in the ass, if you know what im saying

i got up out of bed because if i don't now then i won't be getting out any time soon, i walking into my bathroom that was conected to amy and sarah's bathroom, so we shared a bathroom, it was hard to share one i had my side they had theirs, i got into the shower and had a very quick on, i mean iahd one last night this one was just to really wake me up

after my shower i washed my afce then walked into my room to get changed (outfit at the top^)
i grabbed my hair brush and went back into the bathroom and did my hair, "morning" i heard a soft voice say i turned around and saw sarah with her hair all over her face "morning missy moo" i said back

i went back to doing my hair when i saw her look at her hair in the mirror then look at me with a sign "can you help me" she asked "yeah sure" i said picking her up and putting her in the sink in front of me and grabbed some detangling spray and her hair brush and went to work on the mess in front of me.

after i finshed her hair i went into the kitchen for breakfast, a smoothie bowl with oats(or whatever) "good morning sweetie'' mom said kissing my head "morning mom" i said sitting down at the table and started eating "hey kiddo, how'd you sleep?" dad said coming inside through the back door for being outside in the shed as he is every morning, "pretty good, you" i said moving my smoothie around in the bowl "it was alright, but! im on the move now, i'll see you all later, bye honey" he kissing my moms head.

after breakfast i went up to my room and sat down and started to read the book willrad gave me,  i was reading for about 15 minutes when i heard a beep and '' Y/N! willrads here!" from my mom "coming!" i yelled back and walked to my window and saw willrad in his car i waved to get his attention, he saw me and waved back i put one finger up and mouthed wait'

i ran down to the kitchen and grabbed a cupcake and kissed mom goodbye "Y/N!'' i turned around and looked at mom holding my shoes "oh thanks" i said kissing her cheeck again and run out the door willard hate to be early but also hates when were late, confusing? i know right

"come on!" he said doing a little beep, "here" i said passing him the cupcake and shout the door to his car, "thank you, now are you ready?" "yip" i said putting my seat belt on and "WAIT" i said getting out of the car and running back inside to see mom with my bag in her hand walking to the front door from my room "omg thank you" i said and ran off to the car

"really, you forgot your bag?" he said starteding the car "you got everything because im not coming back" he saying driving down the dirve "wait i think-" i said joking but go cut off by "NOPE"


when we got to school i got out of the car and put my bag on and started to walk, willard jogging up from behind me "hey what you got first?" he said looking at his watch "umm i dont know" "we got history" he said looking at his timtable and out it back into his pockit "okay" i said looking around

as we went into the school halls i could help but notice all the couples around the halls, holding each other's hands, kissing one another, i couldn't help but envy it.

"hey, watch where you're going, little guy." willrad said as we pass someone, who bumbed into him, "sorry, man. i diddn't see you." the other guy said "hey well you know, its like driving"willard said back to the guy "what?' i said looking around willrad to see ren, i smiled and waved a little and i got a tiny smile back

"stick with the flow of traffic, numbnuts" willlrad said to ren making the converation worse "willrad." i said not wanting him to be rude but what can i do, we started to walk away when ren said "maybe if you weren't wearing all that camoflage, i could see you." just to make the conversation last longer

"you should get one of them orange vests so hunters dont shoot you" ren said walking towards us looking willrad right in the eye, "an orange vest?" willrad said like he was taken back from the comment "i dont wear orange. man." he said again walking closer to ren

"because im not a tennessee fan. alright, im a goergia Bulldog." he said looking at ren as ren fixed his bag on his shouder, "where you from? you talk funny." willrad said shaking his looking confused "i talk funny?' ren said willrad nodding his head yes "i talk funny? you should hear you from my end." ren said pointing to me and willrad making willrad lift his eyebrows

"im from boston." willrad shock his head meaning he had no idea what ren was saying "Massachusetts?" ren said looking at me then willrad who still didn'y say anything "its in the united states?'' he siad to willrad like he didn't know if willrad actually didn't know where that was "yeah, i read that somewhere" willrad said back, right because that was belivable

"what's up man? im willrad" willrad said with a smirk, ren looked at me then willards hand that he put out in front of him to shake then back at me, i smiled and nodded my head "im ren. MacCormack." he said shacking willrads hand. "nice to meet you, this is my best frined Y/N'' he said pointing to me " yeah i know, she's my cousin" ren said getting out his time table

"he's your cousin" willrad said looking at me with wide eyes "yeah" i said softly trying not to luagh at his reaction "why didn't you say anything?" he said taking his hat off to fix his hair then putting it back on "wanted to see you look like and idiot" i said letting out my laugh

"thats really rude'' he said lightly pushing me "a hot idiot" i said looking down then back up as willrad pulled me back in "thats better" he said looking over at ren who was looking around the halls then back at us "lets see that, what you got?" willrad said taking rens timetable

"literature and composition. thats this way, follow me." willrad said said as he started walking "hey Y/N" i turn around and see rusty walking towards me "oh hi rusty, how's it going?" i said turning fully to see her and fixing my bag on my shoulder "good-" she started but was cut off by willard "N/N! you coimg?" i tuen to face him and said "nah ill just meet you in class" and looked back at rusty

"sorry, you were saying?"


Sorry for the long update, the next part is almost done

Footloose. (Willard.H X reader.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ