And Here Comes Colt The Choke

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I wake up the next morning and get myself over to campus. I was lucky enough to get in on a semi-scholarship, but it didn't cover things like room and board. It's not like I was going to live on-campus anyway. Not while my piece of shit father was still making his way back and forth to the house.

My classes speed by, mostly because I'm not really paying any attention. I have to figure out a way to become an elite quarterback in a week. It's laughable.

I gather my gear and make it to practice after my classes. I show up right on time and go to my usual spot in the back of the film room.

A group of my teammates walk in a few minutes after me. "Would you look at what we have here, boys. It's the infamous Colt the Choke." Griffin pokes fun and puts his hand around his neck.

"That's funny, your girl said the same thing right before she choked on my dick."

Griffin clearly wasn't expecting me to fight back, but after all the beatings I got from my father I'll be damned if I just sit back and let anyone think I was going to be an easy target.

"Motherfucker, do you know who the fuck you are talking to?" Griffin storms in my direction.

"Yeah, you asshole." I stand and drop my bag in my chair, making sure I have enough room in case he tries to swing.

"You don't mean shit! You ain't nothing but a benchwarmer, we run this team," Griffin yells at me, and the rest of the team has to hold him back.

"Yeah, you run it alright. Right into the fucking ground. You've been here three years already and what've you done? I know newborn babies that drop fewer passes than you. Get your hands together, then come talk to me. In the meantime, how about you run along and find me someone who knows what the hell they're doing." I take a step back, ready to walk away, but the motherfucker had to telegraph his punch. I saw it coming from the second he balled his fist up.

He swung at me, and I quickly punched him twice in the face before he could get the second hand up. Another player grabs me from the other side, and I have to dodge the punches that Griffin is throwing. 

I kick to the side and use my free hand to uppercut the person holding me back. Whoever it is goes down hard, and it's like a complete free-for-all after that. Everyone jumps me, and all I can do is curl into myself and hope that no one does any real damage.

"What the fuck are you doing! Stop! Goddammit! Stop it now!"

Loud piercing whistles vibrate against my eardrum and I slowly feel people being dragged off me. I get to my feet and dust myself off. Even with the entire football team trying to stomp me out, I had been through worse.

Coach Mike pulls me from the pile and drags me to the front of the room.

"What the hell is wrong with you dummies!" he screams at everyone who was just trying to beat me down. "Frederick is gone for the rest of the year, and so is Deacon. We have no other QBs on the fucking roster and you are trying to beat him down? Last I checked, I thought we wanted to win?"

"But, coach . . ."

"But coach my ass, as much as I don't want to admit it, Colt here is our last resort. I don't want to see any shit like this again. You got it!" He barks at the team, and I can't help the grin that breaks out on my face when I hear them all dejectedly say yes, coach.

"And you." The smile drops when coach turns in my direction.

 "I don't know if you've got what it takes to lead this team, but I do know that so far, I'm not impressed. I don't see the talented kid who tried out for me last year. All I see right now is a cancer that is ripping my team apart. Don't think that just because you are the last resort, I won't go out and find someone to replace you. I'll go recruit a janitor before I let you drag my team through the dirt. Either find a way to become a part of this team or be ready to be cut." He didn't wait for me to answer, just shoved me toward one of the chairs in the front row.

I felt like a reprimanded child and I didn't like it one bit.

Colt's Game : A Playing for Keeps StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora