01 - home sweet fucking home

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Enjoy babe



My leg began to ooze with blood after running for so much from the mortal who sunk the gold encrusted pocket knife into my thigh. Thank God they did, I wouldn't of found the gates to my home, and I wouldn't have gotten a free knife. I was relieved, and for my leg, just around the corner of the gate I used my leather belt to hold pressure, it should be fine.. I think? After being on my boring-ass three year journey throwing my legs in a triangle around America, I finally found home. I strode up to the broad main gates, immediately embracing the sniper that pointed my way.

"Speak your name" The guard spoke loudly, and I heard commotion from abaft the fence.
He stood tall and broad, but apparently didn't want to execute me since his finger wasn't aloft his trigger at all.

"Jaden, Jaden Miller" My hands shot up in a defensive tone, I waited patiently for the Guard to react, and then he pulled a shocked looking face and grabbed his radio out. Radios were quite rare around here, only majors owned them.

"Maria, we have Jaden at the gates, she's here" mom, he waits for a response, looking at Jaden with agape eyes. Inaudible voices came from the radio. "Main gate ma'am, yes"
I put my hands down slowly, inattentive to the fact his gun was no longer pointed at me and he had my mom on a hold.

Then the gates opened, I patiently waited and stood back as they opened towards me, what was inwards was a group of standing people, all orbs fixed on me with stunned faces, as if they'd just saw a ghost with naked eyes. Then I saw the familiar faces of my parents rushing up to the gate, their faces lifted from worried to a relieved state.
I slowly walked in, thankfully nodding my head at the Guard who went back to a resting pose.
My parents pulled me into a huge hug, I wrapped my arms around both of them, mentally feeling the tears running down their faces. I didn't blame them, I left when I was thirteen, putting myself in serious danger.

"Oh, my baby" my mother spoke, kissing my forehead lightly. My dad on the other hand stayed quiet, just appeased his daughter was safe. I pulled out of the hug, my mother took my face in her hands, looking at me sweetly.
"You've grown!" She exclaims. "I knew you'd grow into your fathers eyes" she smiled sweetly, as tears of bliss cascaded down her cheeks, which were a tinted pink due to the cold winter breeze.

I know, a three year trip sounds wild, I was wild, I almost spent the rest of being a teenager getting high on the streets of Boston, and living a non-apocalyptic life by the sea.
This is the moment I regretted leaving my parents, I adored them too much and enjoyed the free, costless life on my own in Boston rather than a safe, protected one where everyone I love was settled.

I had no words to speak or breath to breathe at this moment just happy I'm home. My parents walked me to the Ranch house we owned after getting greetings and having reunions off of those who missed me. My parents tried their best to make me feel in my element, giving me a fulfilled meal and a tall glass of water, asking if I was okay every five minutes, which I was fine with, I was happy about my family being worried, knowing someone cares feels good. I felt like I was in heaven. I had a shortage of food when out in the open, rationing jerky sticks and calling it nutritious.


Moving to third POV

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 // Ellie X fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now