03 - all figured out

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Enjoy :)


"OKAY, OKAY" Dina giggled at Jesses shit joke, literally, a joke about shit. "Jaden, tell us about your trip"

Jaden let out a small giggle, her smile turned straight looking between the three. "Uh.." she searched her head for a memory. "I smoked a lot in a Boston?"

"Something interesting" Jesse spoke sincerely.

Again, she searched for something funny. "I killed a trio of Fedra soldiers, but what's funny, is, when I got rid of the last guy, he let out a massive fart"

"Gross!" Dina exclaimed jokingly, of course it was gross, but funny.

"And uhm, not a lot of interesting things happened in Boston" Jaden spoke, looking down, before something came to her head, she looked up with a smirk, hoping it intrigues the three. "I had sex with a firefly"

"A boy?!" Dinas eyes widened and her head moved forward.

"No, a girl, who do you think I am?" Jaden nodded her head with a smile, Ellie eyes widened at the 'girl' clearly she doesn't know a lot of lesbians around here. "Basically we were in a hideout, alone, and it sort of just happened" she shrugged.

"Go Jaden!" Dina yelled a bit too loud.
While Ellie was listening silently.

"And what about her now?" Jesse said softly, stroking Dinas charcoal hair sweetly. "You just left her?"

"Uh.. fuck" Jadens face went soft, natural, guilty. "She was supposed to go to St Mary's hospital with her group a few weeks after I got there.. and uhm, she was found.." Jaden tucked her flyaway hair behind her ear and she sniffled. "By Fedra, and allegedly.. hung"

"Oh.. Jaden.. I'm so sorry." Dina also looked sad, and Jesse looked like he regretted the question he appealed.

"God, what is wrong with me" Jaden covered her face with her hands, swiping them down before regaining focus on the two making out after the information they just heard.
Jaden leaned back in misunderstanding, come on? They just heard a death story and now they're eating each others faces.

"Fuck sake" Ellie sighed in dread, also leaning back. "So.. you went to Boston?" She made simple eye contact with Jaden.

"Yea.." Jaden looked at her with soft eyes, which soon recovered.

Ellie tucked her auburn hair behind her ear before opening her mouth. "I grew up there"

Jadens eyes opened. "Wow.. was not expecting that"

"And it's where-"

An ear piercing screech was heard through the air, the four stopped in their actions, looking towards the basement door. And it's as if their high washed away at the moment of the screech.

"Shut up.." Ellie whispered demandingly.

"I was hoping this wouldn't happen" Dina spoke, getting off her seat.

"Sounds like there's two" Jesse spoke.

"Shut up!" Jaden half whispered. Ellie still looked at the girl with a soft state, still looking disturbed but gentle.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 // Ellie X fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now