04 - Storm Welcome

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IT HAD BEEN TWO WEEKS since the reunion of Jaden and her home. Still cleaning stables but enjoying the comfort of her friends. Jaden became slightly closer with Ellie, confused whether to call her a cousin or a friend. But Jaden definitely didn't want to class her as a cousin, or related to her at all as she found some sort of light in the girl. The four sat in Ellie's shed, Ellie sat at her desk chair, elbows on her knees, and Jesse sat on the coffee table. The two looked at the sight in front of them.

"Oh my god! hold still!" Jaden said, sat on the lap of Dina, she was piercing her septum and was using an old ring from an abandoned tattoo shop in a village just outside Jackson.

"It hurts Jay!" She whines back.

"It's going to hurt!" Jaden replies. "You're milkin' it" she smirked.

"What kind of porn am I watching?" Jesse spoke, rolling his eyes.

"She asked for this" Jaden answered.

"You talked me into it" Dina butted in, looking up at the brunette fiercely.

"Because you liked my earrings" Jaden replied. "Now shut up" she pushed Dina so her back pressed against the sofa and began pushing the needle into her nose.
Dina pulled a contorted face, and once it was through she relaxed.

"All done?" Ellie questioned.

"Yea" Jaden replied. "Just the ring" she shrugged, placing the nose ring at the end of the needle and pushed the rest through, leaving Dina with a gold ring in the septum, and lord did she suit it.

"How does it look?" Dina questioned, looking like she was coming up to a sneeze after Jaden left her lap.

"You suit it" Jesse spoke.

"Yea, it looks good" Ellie told her.

"Apparently there's a storm tonight" Jaden had cleaned the needle in Ellie's bathroom, and packed the rest of the stuff in her bag.
"A blizzard"

"I probably won't be in here tonight then" Ellie says, rolling her chair backwards to the desk while still seated.

"What if my mom sees this?" Dina questions, hand covering both her mouth and nose.

"Don't let her see?" Ellie replied, as if it was obvious.

"She'll want her in for the storm tonight" Jaden replied to Ellie.

"And she'll know who did it" Jesse turned to Jaden, which led two the other two to look as well.

"If it's about me piercing Cats belly button, I got the entire blame for it" she spoke, wandering around the shed.

"Then she got blamed for giving you a tattoo on your ass" Dina leaned back on the sofa, putting her hands behind her head.

"What tattoo was it?" Ellie asked, being ignored completely.

"Oh yea, I remember Cat, hey Ellie, what happened to Cat?" Jesse turned to the Auburn-haired girl who gave him a 'not infront of her' look.

"Can we not talk about why?" Dina spoke.

"Hold on, what?" Jaden stood still in the middle of the room while the three looked at her, unknowing of what to do.

"Ellie and Cat had a-" Jesse was cut off my Ellie punching him in the arm, she then stood up, looking between the two brunettes.

"I- I don't want to talk about it!" Ellie exclaimed, causing the room to be in complete silence.

"New topic? What about the tattoo on Jadens ass?" Dina suggested.

Yes, there was a tattoo on Jadens ass, and it had the words 'day dreamer' written on her left cheek. Cats idea, and it was Jadens argument after Cats mom found out about the naval piercing. She hadn't spoken to Cat since, not wanting anything to do with the girl anyways.

The deal with cat? Jaden and her used to be best friends before they met Dina, inseparable in fact, Jesse told Jaden multiple times in how he didn't like her, and got bad vibes off of her, but Jaden continued to be close with her. Until one night, Cat and Jaden were having a sleepover in Cats house and Cat tried kissing Jaden, leading her to run out of the house and never return.


LATER THAT NIGHT the storm began to pick up, snow flew through the streets of Jackson, causing the air to become bitter and houses to shiver.
Jaden sat in her cozy, cotton sheeted bed, reading a book her dad had gotten for her, enjoying it quite well, that's when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" Jaden spoke, her eyes fixated on the books pages.

"Hey sweetheart" It was Tommy, also known as Dad to Jaden.

"Hey dad" she replied, putting a bookmark in between the pages and putting the book aside.

"I think we should talk" he walked into the room, shutting the door behind him and begins to walk to sit on Jadens bed.

"About?" Jaden had multiple outcomes in her head, about what? The disagreement with mom? Piercing Dinas stubborn septum, sneaking out? So many.

"About rules" he hesitated, before answering "I talked to your mom" he exhaled sharply before turning to her.

Jaden knew exactly what this meant.. another argument. She hit the headboard with the back of her head, her eyes went soft and she looked down. "dad.."

"It ended in an agreement" he lifted his head. "We'll let you go on patrol"

Jadens eyes lit up. "Really?"

"You'll still have the horse shit task, but, in two days we've arranged a day" he smiled at his daughters happy reaction "both Joel and Jesse have volunteered to go with you, you'll clear an untouched forest out west, not so far, you can handle it"

"That's- wow, I can't wait" Jaden spoke, stuttering.

"Well, there's a storm tonight, so get cozy and have good nights rest, yea?" he pats the bed softly.

"Yep" she replies, adjusting the pillow.

"Night munchkin'" Tommy spoke in a teasing voice.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes jokingly "night dad"

He switched off the bedroom light and as Maria did, left her with her own thoughts, and soon drifted off to sleep under hypnosis of the storms whistle.


This is literally such a small chapter but I just wanted to show some traits and the friendship between Dina and Jaden, and maybe some back story on Cat
And obviously Tommys new rule.

I also rushed this, but I think I can make the next chapter pretty cool 🤙

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 // Ellie X fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now