06 - new beginnings

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"HOW FAR UNTIL SIGN UP?" Jesse asked, as the three explored the forest.

"Not far, just a lodge up here" Joel walked a little distance from the two teenagers. Jesse holding a pistol, Joel a rifle and Jaden her bow.

"A bit strange how we've not seen any infected" Jaden spoke.

"Just keep an eye out" Joel spoke, his rifle pointed towards the forests.

"Why would there be infected in the forest? Don't they hide in basements and shit?" Jaden kept speaking, even if there were a chance.
They were met with a spot circled by trees, the sun shining through the bare branches and onto the muddy ground. There were boot prints encrusted into the mud, they looked like they were fading. No snow had hit the forest, and it were quite far from Jackson.

Jaden stepped a foot out into the mud, the bottom of her converse was plated with mud almost instantly. Jesse were behind her, and Joel was coming from around another tree on the teens' left.

"Woah woah, be careful" Jesses arm moved across Jadens chest, blocking her from moving forward, she turned to him confused. "It could be a trap."

"Trap? Please nobody comes out here" Jaden moves past Jesse with no hesitation.

"Jaden be careful" Joel warned politely.

"No traps" Jaden stepped another foot forward, before feeling a grip around her ankle, she looked down in regret, before looking up to Joel. "Fu-"
She let out a loud scream as she was lifted into the air by her ankle. She swung into a tree, and an instant pain struck her entire body as a snapped tree branch dug into her hip, making her groan in pain, she swung to another tree and pushed her hand at it, stopping her from barging into it, until she dropped from the air onto the mud, rolling over at least twice before landing on her front.
She cried as the pain became worse.

"Jaden?!" Jesse ran over to her, helping her into her hands and knees. She clutched her waist tightly, blood dripping onto the floor below her. "Shit.." he mumbled under her breath. "Joel!"

Joel rushed over from cutting the rope, he noticed she was wounded when he moved his eyes onto her. "Get the rope off her leg" he bent down, grabbing Jaden by the upper torso. "We need to get you up and back to Jackson, okay?"

Jaden coughed through pain and nodded weakly. She was brought up into her feet and once the gravity pulled onto her body the pain shot her even harder than the fall.
Joel saw her condition and didn't hesitate to pick her up bridle style.

"What are you doing?" Jesse asked.

"Getting her to a safe place before we check the wound" Joel replied.
It seemed as if he had been in this situation before...


JADEN WAS PLACED on a patch of dry grass under a tree, instantly Jesse applied pressure to the wound with his hands. "We stop the bleeding, then carry her back to Jackson, okay?" Joel said, grabbing a flannel from his backpack. "use this"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 // Ellie X fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now