Sunshine Heartbeat (Seth Clearwater imprint story) Ch 16

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Jacob's POV

Since I couldn't find Sam, I decided to head back to Aimee's house. I pushed open the door and was greeted by Aimee. A grin spread across my face.

"Hi Ai-"I paused, watching Aimee's hand which was holding tightly onto Seth's. "-mee" My grin collapsed slightly and instead I forced a fake smile on my face.

Get it together Jake.

"Hello Jake." She replied, her melodious voice tinkled with joy and happiness. "Hi Jake." Seth greeted cheerfully, face beaming in excitement.

"Hi Seth." I gave him a nod and rubbed my neck nervously. "I...umm...just remember I need to get something...Bye." I quickly turned around and made my way out the door.

As soon as I was outside, I rushed into the forest, phasing. I made sure that no one else was on patrol before I let my thoughts out freely.

Looks like you don't have to ask anymore...

Seth and Aimee...

They are both happy...You saw them yourself...

...G-give up?

Then they will both be happy...She is not your imprint.

I let out a groan and kept running. Images of the times Aimee and "wolfie" shared kept playing back to me...

Seth's POV

"Well...That was a quick visit..." Aimee whispered, staring dumbly after Jake. I chuckled a little, leading her back to the living room. "Jacob might've just left something. Don't worry about him" I replied, wrapping my arms tightly around her. Aimee gave a nod and laid comfortably on my chest. I beamed happily.

Today could be the best day of my life...Except the fact that I might lose Aimee anytime sooner to that Mrs Baker...

I gave a small sigh and Aimee looked up immediately. Sorrow and sadness were hidden in her eyes but a small smile was kept on her face.

"Don't worry, Seth. I won't disappear." She mumbled, patting my shoulder. I squeezed her harder in my arms. She let out a sweet sounding laugh. "That's right, Aimee. You will never be able to get away from me." 

Aimee gave a small snort, "I can so escape whenever I want to, Seffy." I raised my eyebrows at her, "Really? Try get away now." I said while gripping onto her waist with a strong hold, though careful not to hurt her.

Aimee tried to escape but failed miserably. She stopped and sat there for awhile. I smirked, "Told you, you can't get away." Aimee smiled slyly. "No...I just haven't tried my best yet."

I snorted, "Your best still wouldn't help you escape." Aimee shook her head lightly, "No..." 

I laughed but suddenly I felt a pair of warm lips met mine and just as I was enjoying this kiss, Aimee pulled away from my grip. I stared at her, shocked. "Seffy, seemed like you let go off me just then?"

I was too astonished from that kiss to reply, my grip loosened and Aimee sat there, smirking at me. She stood up, taking a step away from me.

"Mission completed."

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