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Chapter twelve

Zen Maven


this chapters contains violence,
strong language, and mature scenes. viewer discretion is advised.

The glass was pristine, not a single smudge on it from the outside. Overall the room was dark, the walls pure cement. Light was scarce, not a singular window available to see through. Instead the main - and only - source of light came from within the glass room. 'Room', was far too polite. It was more like a cage you'd see at the zoo when observing monkeys or lions. Inside that glass box stood a predator if I had ever seen one. "Zen..?" What was left of the man I had known prior was almost gone now. He had always been pale, but never to this extreme. His hair seemed dull, what used to be clayish brown now seemed almost as if he had gotten it drowned in the rain and turned to a dark, muddy slush.

Those eyes, however.. they had been completely unchanged. It was a shade of green that pierced your skin. Somehow, it felt almost inhuman. Dante's eyes held comfort, but his - despite the beautiful color - held nothing more than obsessive malice. His movements were that of a doll, dragged and dramatic. Something in me screamed that he didn't appear human, perhaps that was because I knew what really hid beneath his skin. And despite my observations, my mouth made not a singular attempt at answering his call.

I couldn't move, even if I wanted to. In front of me laid the man that had always shaken my body to the core, behind what appeared to be glass walls in the center of the room. I always knew Aurelio was scarier than he appeared to be on the surface, but this was otherworldly. "I knew you'd find me, my love." twisted mindset for a maniac, how fitting. "See, that one with the curly hair swore that I'd be at the bottom of a lake before you'd find me but I knew he was wrong." How incredibly descriptive, what a genius. It wasn't as if almost every Russo I had encountered had either wavy or curly hair. Thank you, for making this so easy you oversized wart.

     Let me explain the situation, perhaps so I can grasp it myself. Ever since my mother died, I began to sleepwalk. Of course I don't remember her, but perhaps my mind does. I had walked outside into streets, gotten lost in the woods. I could even dress myself while being completely unaware of what I was doing. I had seen a sleep specialist at some point, but I doubt that was any help now. In conclusion, I had no idea how I got here much less on how to leave. "Please refrain from imagining I hold anything but distain towards you." his face gave a playful, saddened look. "You're like mold, constantly coming back and slowly killing everyone around you even without intending to." He almost appeared hurt by my words, hand over his heart like I had attempted to rip it out. 

     "Oh my dearest, how could you even speak that harshly towards me? That's no way to treat your lover." His face contorted to a smile, lips stretched to each ear. I almost crawled back into my mother, but she was dead and I doubt I could even fit my head up from where I came. "I was so worried about you once I heard someone had made an attempt on your life that I endangered my own just to see you." He hesitated before speaking again, placing his palm against the glass. "But your little harem informed me that you were in a deep slumber, of course after they nearly beat me to death for answers."

I chose to ignore the harem comment, for now at least. "Are you seriously saying that you weren't the one attempting to drown me in the bath?" His face slowly removed the fake smile to show pure hostility. He then slammed his hand against the glass, my feet finally moving back three steps for my safety.

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